
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Kyiv to the EU? "Candidates cannot stay in a waiting room"

Marta Temido meets this Monday with the Ukrainian ambassador to Portugal, in Lisbon.

Kyiv to the EU? "Candidates cannot stay in a waiting room"
Notícias ao Minuto

10:35 - 20/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto com Lusa

Política Campanha Europeias

The PS's leading candidate for the European elections met with the Ukrainian ambassador to Portugal in Lisbon on Monday to present her compliments and discuss the situation of the war in Ukraine, as well as the process of accession to the European Union.

"The subject of the war in Ukraine is a present theme in this campaign, because of everything that is at stake, it has to be the continuity of the effort of humanitarian and financial support that the European Union is giving to Ukraine and we cannot forget that there is an enlargement process that will have a strong impact on the way the European project is configured", she said at the exit of the meeting in statements to journalists.

Marta Temido said she wanted to understand "first-hand" what the latest "updates" are on the situation on the ground and contacts with European institutions "in order to advance the process".

"Our perspective is that the candidate countries cannot remain indefinitely in a waiting room for the European project. And some candidate countries have been waiting for progress for a long time", she also reiterated.

The conversation also touched on the subject of Ukrainians who are refugees in Portugal, stressed Marta Temido.

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