
  • 30 JUNHO 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

"There wouldn't be robustness in our economy today without the role of the mayors"

The Prime Minister will be present, this Monday, at the 40th anniversary of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities, in Coimbra.

"There wouldn't be robustness in our economy today without the role of the mayors"
Notícias ao Minuto

12:06 - 20/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Luís Montenegro

The Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, will be present this Monday, May 20, at the 40th anniversary of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities, in Coimbra, as well as the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

In his speech, Luís Montenegro began by emphasizing the "respect" he has for the association, which acts as an "engine of development" and "confidant of those who are the real problems that plague people's lives on a daily basis".

"There would be no consistency or robustness in our economy today without the role of local authorities. We cannot fail to have local authorities as a reference and to be dazzled by what we can be in the country in a few decades", he stressed, adding that "the scope of the work of municipalities in the organization of the country and our society, from infrastructures, the definition of public policies in areas such as health, education, sanitation, transport [...] is fundamental for people's lives and wealth".

The Prime Minister also took the opportunity to recall that he is counting on "local government to give young people the opportunity to live in the country", expressing his "confidence" that, with the help of municipalities, the current government will be able to "reverse this trend".

Read Also: "Problem" of homelessness? Moedas asks for audiences with Marcelo and Montenegro (Portuguese version)

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