
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Europeans. The only debate that AD and PS had is the most watched so far

The most watched television debate of the European elections so far was the first, the "only one that was attended by AD and PS", according to the analysis of Universal McCann (UM), the media agency of the Mediabrands group.

Europeans. The only debate that AD and PS had is the most watched so far
Notícias ao Minuto

13:37 - 20/05/24 por Lusa

Política Europeias

In the first week of debates, three debates were broadcast, with the generalist channels (RTP1, SIC, and TVI) broadcasting one of these four clashes, with SIC broadcasting the debut debate, RTP1 the debate last Wednesday, and TVI was the last of the three stations to debut, last Friday.

After three debates, all parties with parliamentary seats have already been represented in at least one of the debates.

"To date, the most-watched debate was the [...] that marked the start of the electoral campaign for the European elections, the only one that has featured the presence of the AD and PS to date" and opposed the top candidates Sebastião Bugalho (AD), Marta Temido (PS), João Cotrim Figueiredo (IL), and Francisco Paupério (Livre).

This debate was moderated by journalist Clara de Sousa and registered an average audience of 852 thousand viewers, which corresponded to a 'share' of 17.3%.

In second place was the debate between the top candidates João Oliveira (CDU), Catarina Martins (BE), João Cotrim Figueiredo (IL), and Francisco Paupério (Livre), broadcast on TVI, which "had an average audience of 594 thousand viewers and a 'share' of 13.4%", according to UM.

"Completing the podium was the debut debate of candidates António Tânger Corrêa (Chega) and PAN (Pedro Fidalgo Marques) with representatives of the BE and Livre", which was broadcast on RTP1 and reached an average audience of 505 thousand viewers and a 'share' of 10.7%.

After the first week of debates and with three of the eight already held, "it is possible to see an increase in the interest of the Portuguese in the debates broadcast compared to 2019", it says.

"It is important to remember that in 2019, the debates were duels between parties with parliamentary seats", with a total of "15 debates being held, of which only five were broadcast on generalist channels".

The generalist channels only broadcast the initial minutes of these debates, then switching to their respective news channels (SIC Notícias, TVI24, and RTP3), UM recalls.

"The debut debate, the most-watched to date, has already registered a higher audience than the most-watched in 2019", it concludes.

The European elections are scheduled for 9 June.

Read Also: Migrations, enlargement, Defense (and Costa!). Here is the 1st debate of the European elections (Portuguese version)

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