
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"Confident" in victory, Albuquerque only thinks about agreements after the elections

The PSD's lead candidate for the regional elections guarantees that he will "win" next Sunday, May 26. For now, he is not worried about the "problem" of agreements, nor with voter turnout, which is expected to be the highest ever in the archipelago. But he attacks the PS: "It never knew how to do math".

"Confident" in victory, Albuquerque only thinks about agreements after the elections
Notícias ao Minuto

10:38 - 21/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Política Eleições na Madeira

In yet another electoral campaign for the Madeira regional elections, Miguel Albuquerque shows himself to be "confident" in victory and does not hide it.

"I will win", he tells journalists, adding that he is "very confident" that he will have "more votes than his opponents".

As for agreements with Chega or any other party, it is not a "problem that is currently present".

"What is currently present is campaigning and then analysing the electoral results [...]. We will see about agreements later, we have to read the will of the people. The people are the ones who determine that", he stressed.

Questioned about the growth of the Left in the region, the leader of the PSD list for the Madeira elections downplays it.

"Scared? The business owners are very scared [...]. Yes, there is the Left-wing front, but that has been happening for 48 years. For 48 years, there has been the PSD and then a Left-wing front. The left-wing frontism is recurrent, they still live in 1917, when they took the Winter Palace in Russia. It's still the same", he argued, taking the opportunity to criticise the leader of the opposition, his promises and the PS.

"[Paulo Cafôfo] doesn't know how to do the math. In fact, the PS has never known how to do the math. That's why it always leads to dysfunctionalities and the country's financial unsustainability. So, he can promise whatever he wants, but he will need three regional budgets", he said.

Regarding the turnout at the polls, which everything indicates will be the highest in the region in recent years, Albuquerque downplays it. "I have already had many elections, it is not worth dramatising. At this moment, the elections have a 'handicap' of being very close to the others. Having elections all the time demobilises and saturates people", he argued.

Read Also: Madeira. Cafôfo ensures that PS proposals have budgetary capacity (Portuguese version)

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