
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

“We want to rush the project to lower taxes on the middle class"

Hugo Soares accuses the PS of having done "nothing" to reach a consensus

“We want to rush the project to lower taxes on the middle class"
Notícias ao Minuto

12:00 - 21/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Política IRS

PSD parliamentary leader Hugo Soares made a point this morning about the negotiations between the Democratic Alliance (AD) and the Socialist Party (PS) on the IRS, emphasizing that there is a divergence between the various parties on the model for reducing the tax.

However, he says, the PSD and CDS benches have always tried to reach a “consensus”.

“Right in the first discussion, the PSD parliamentary group took a step towards reaching a consensus with the other parties, which was not done by the PS. We sought to engage in dialogue with all parties with parliamentary representation. This openness occurred in the Budget and Finance Committee”, he stresses, adding: “It is worth mentioning that the same did not happen on the part of the other parliamentary groups.

Hugo Soares then accused the PS of having done “nothing” to get closer to the proposals of the Democratic Alliance, saying that he did not want to "delay the process any further".

“We want to speed up the project we have to lower taxes on the middle class.”, he continues, saying that there was a convergence in relation to the proposals of the PS and Chega in the lower echelons.

Thus, he reveals that the Government will include the automatic update of the IRS scales from 2025 and in the update of the minimum existence, study the update of the specific deduction based on the IAS and the extension of the deduction of interest expenses on debts related to housing loans.

[News in update]

Read Also: PS considers "regrettable" the position of PSD and CDS-PP regarding the reduction of IRS (Portuguese version)

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