
  • 19 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 26º

Chega warns that the Azores are heading towards "financial unsustainability"

Chega/Açores warned today, during the discussion of the 2024 Budget, that the region is moving at a "rapid pace" towards "financial unsustainability", denouncing the "subsidy dependence" of the private economy and the increase in regional public debt.

Chega warns that the Azores are heading towards "financial unsustainability"
Notícias ao Minuto

13:23 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

Política Francisco Lima

"The public debt grows year after year and the region is heading rapidly towards financial unsustainability. In many areas, companies are being used as a bank to finance regional public administration, as is the case with health and public works", said Francisco Lima.

The MP was speaking in the Regional Legislative Assembly, in Horta, at the start of the discussion of the Plan and Budget of the Azores for 2024.

The Chega MP warned that the Azoreans expect the regional public administration to "serve the taxpayers" and "not continue to be an employment agency and payment of political favours".

"Nothing is reformed. Nothing is simplified. Life is made more complicated every day for those who work and create wealth. We need a public administration that serves the taxpayers", he criticised.

Francisco Lima considered that, "without a private economy", the Azores will "continue to impoverish" and "increase the public debt".

"We do not lack laws, regulations and plans, but we have an increasingly subsidy-dependent private economy in the Azores. The real economy is drowning in a sea of useless bureaucracy", he stated.

The MP also targeted the "lack of inspection" in the allocation of the Social Integration Income (RSI).

"Any grocery store or small industry is subjected to a real torture of obligations and inspections, but there are always excuses to inspect abuses of the RSI", he said.

The Azorean parliament today began the debate on the proposals for the 2024 Regional Plan and Budget, without the threat of the document presented by the PSD/CDS-PP/PPM coalition executive being rejected, but with the PS's vote still "open".

The Budget proposal, which defines the strategic lines of the coalition executive for this year, includes a value of 2,045.5 million euros, similar to that presented in October 2023 (2,036.7 million).

This is the second time that the Regional Government of the coalition, led by the social democrat José Manuel Bolieiro, has presented a proposal for an Investment Plan for this year, after the previous one was rejected in the Legislative Assembly, in November, with the votes against of the PS, BE and IL and the abstention of Chega and PAN, which led the President of the Republic to call early elections.

Read Also: BE says that the Budget for this year does not respond to the problems of the Azores (Portuguese version)

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