
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

"Cow", moos and "offense". What did Moreira say (and how did Ventura respond)?

Isabel Moreira reported insults related to sexual orientation, female deputies being called "cow" and sounds imitating 'moos' in which the targets are, most of the time, women. The alleged protagonists of these offenses are the deputies of Chega, a party that, through the voice of its leader André Ventura, has already reacted.

"Cow", moos and "offense". What did Moreira say (and how did Ventura respond)?
Notícias ao Minuto

15:52 - 21/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto com Lusa

Política Polémica

Isabel Moreira, a deputy for the Socialist Party (PS), revealed this Tuesday, in an interview with Observador, alleged episodes of racism and misogyny that had the Chega party, led by André Ventura, as the protagonist.  In these statements, the socialist reported insults related to sexual orientation, female deputies called "cow" and sounds imitating 'moos' in which the targets are, most of the time, women.  "When we are walking in the corridors of the Assembly of the Republic or in the corridors of the hemicycle to speak, I have already heard things like cow, moos or names that are usually called to deputies who are openly lesbian", she told the same outlet.  Isabel Moreira also highlighted situations in which, at noon, a 'good evening' was addressed to a black deputy: "Which is a normal thing to say at noon to a black person", she said ironically.

A permanent offense and insult

The alleged cases always occur "with the microphone closed, so that they are not heard and are only heard by the people who are insulting", highlighted the socialist, considering that there is a "daily hell, unbearable" in Parliament, due to "a permanent offense and insult".  André Ventura was questioned today about the accusation by the PS deputy of misogynistic and racist insults by Chega deputies. The leader of Chega claimed that his parliamentary group is the "most attacked" and said that he had already greeted Isabel Moreira "several times" and had no response.

"I don't know what racism she [deputy Isabel Moreira] is talking about, we are the only bench that has blacks in Parliament", he also made a point of emphasizing. Ventura also challenged the socialist to present evidence of these behaviors.

Chega é racista?

Chega is racist? "We are the only bench that has blacks in Parliament"

Ventura rejects accusations of racism and emphasizes that the far-right collective “will not oppose any hearing” that is mandated by Aguiar-Branco.

Notícias ao Minuto | 12:14 - 21/05/2024

And he added: "The atmosphere in Parliament is the expression of what the Portuguese wanted, it is the fury that the Portuguese have against the system", he warned: "get used to it, because this intensity will continue to exist".

Leia Também: "We advise the Government not to rush the IRS vote", says Ventura (Portuguese version)

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