
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

PCP defends effective contract for each permanent job post

The PCP will propose that each permanent job position must correspond to an effective employment contract, as a way to combat job insecurity and "guarantee the stability and rights of workers".

PCP defends effective contract for each permanent job post
Notícias ao Minuto

17:13 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

Política PCP

This bill was announced by the parliamentary leader of the PCP, Paula Santos, at the closing of the party's Parliamentary Days in the Setúbal peninsula, during a press conference at the Forte de Santiago de Sesimbra.

The deputy indicated that, "in numerous workplaces, whether in the public or private sector, the use of precarious bonds persists and, in some circumstances, has been increasing".

"We cannot accept that permanent jobs and functions, which are necessary, have a precarious bond: it must be an effective employment contract, providing stability, guaranteeing rights. That is what we propose: a permanent job must correspond to an effective employment contract", she said.

Paula Santos also announced that the PCP will propose limiting the use of temporary work, noting that the party is aware of numerous situations in which temporary work agencies are used to fill permanent positions.

"The solution cannot be to resort to temporary work agencies, but it must be through the direct hiring of workers who are needed to perform those same functions", she argued.

The PCP's perspective, Paula Santos continued, is to "limit the use of temporary work agencies and the option to be, when there is a need for these functions, that it be done through the hiring of the necessary workers, with effective bonds".

"These are the objectives of our initiatives: to combat precariousness, guarantee stability and rights", she stressed.

The PCP's parliamentary leader also announced that the party will present a draft resolution recommending that the Government adopt an "emergency plan to recover the procedural delays under the responsibility of the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA)".

At a dinner on Monday at the Cabo-verdian Association of Seixal, within the scope of these Parliamentary Days, PCP deputy António Filipe had already appealed for a "major mobilization" of State services to respond to this situation and, as Paula Santos detailed today, the party proposes that the Government adopt "exceptional measures", similar to what it did during the vaccination process for covid-19.

"What we propose is that there is in fact a path, a mobilization of means and, if necessary, to resort to hiring workers - which will naturally be necessary - and to form specific teams to give this response to immigrants", she said.

After two days in which PCP deputies and MEPs had several initiatives in the Setúbal peninsula, Paula Santos also announced that the party will propose in parliament that the river crossing between Setúbal and Troia also be covered by the social pass, also suggesting that the current concession be reversed and become integrated into a public company.

"This issue is of the utmost importance when it comes to territorial cohesion, to promote public transport and the mobility of populations, but it is also decisive to ensure the relief of the visitation load on the Arrábida beaches, which is approaching the unbearable", she said.

Read Also: PCP wants to hear from the Minister of Infrastructure and Vinci about the new airport (Portuguese version)

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