
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

PS asks the Government for a NAV memo on the increase in flights in Lisbon

The PS today asked the Government to send the NAV memorandum and other studies that supported the decision to expand the capacity of Humberto Delgado airport, also asking if it foresees the need for an environmental impact assessment.

PS asks the Government for a NAV memo on the increase in flights in Lisbon
Notícias ao Minuto

19:20 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

Política Aeroporto

In a question sent by the Socialist Party's Parliamentary Group to the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing, Miguel Pinto Luz, the socialists recall that the Government recently announced "the increase in the capacity of Humberto Delgado Airport to 45 to 47 movements per hour, supported by a NAV memorandum on the possibility of increasing flights". The PS considers that, "even admitting that this increase is technically possible", it is not possible to ignore "the potential impact on the population in terms of the environment, health and well-being", adding that the Independent Technical Commission (CTI) has already pointed out "unacceptable noise levels" with current movements. "Now, an increase in the number of movements per hour will certainly aggravate the situation, in addition to the fact that such a measure is not included in the recommendations made by the CTI", adds the same question. The socialists ask the Government to send the memorandum and the other studies that supported the decision. The PS wants to know what other studies and opinions the Government based itself on "to support the decision to increase the declared capacity of Humberto Delgado Airport to 45 movements per hour". Another question that the PS expects the Government to answer is what specific interventions will be made at the airport, in addition to those that were planned and determined by the previous executive. "Does the Government foresee that an environmental impact assessment will be necessary? Assuming that this increase in capacity is possible, can the government ensure that it will not cause an even greater degradation of the airport's service levels?", they also ask. The issue of the studies and opinions on which the PS based itself for this extension was one of the topics that marked last week's biweekly debate, with the leader of the PS, Pedro Nuno Santos, insisting on the question to the Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro. On Friday, the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing, Miguel Pinto Luz, said in parliament that NAV Portugal guaranteed that it had the conditions to increase Lisbon's airport capacity from the current 38 to up to 50 movements per hour. The minister was referring to a guarantee given by NAV, an air traffic service provider, in a memorandum in response to a request from the Government and signed by three directors, including the president, Pedro Ângelo, and sent to the ministry on May 3.
Also Read: Lisbon airport's temporary facility with very high capacity (Portuguese version)

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