
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

BE says that the aggression of Ergue-te results from the "worsening of violence and hate"

The BE coordinator said today that the assault on a person during a rally of the Ergue-te party next to the national headquarters of the Left Bloc in Lisbon is the result of "an increase in the feeling of violence and hatred" in society.

BE says that the aggression of Ergue-te results from the "worsening of violence and hate"
Notícias ao Minuto

19:23 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

Política Bloco de Esquerda

"These phenomena end up being a consequence of a worsening of the sentiment of violence, of the sentiment of hate that has been growing in society with all of the far-right discourse", said the BE coordinator, Mariana Mortágua.

In a street march in Senhor de Matosinhos, in the district of Porto, the BE leader clarified that the members of the BE were not notified of the concentration of the Ergue-te party that occurred on Monday in front of the BE national headquarters in Lisbon.

"We witnessed an aggression that happened on the part of members of these far-right movements against people who were passing by in the street, who we do not know and who are not members of the BE, but who were passing by in the street and who were beaten and attacked by these movements", she said.

Mariana Mortágua clarified that the members of the BE reported to the authorities both the holding of the concentration and the aggression that they witnessed.

"When a discourse of hate is sown, the violence increases and in this episode, unfortunately, there is a victim", she lamented, defending the need to act on these movements.

"It is on these gang and crime groups that it is a crime to act because it creates an enormous sensation of insecurity in society", she said.

According to CNN Portugal, the concentration was organized by the Ergue-te party. In the images released by the channel, it is possible to see some people on Rua da Palma, in front of the BE headquarters, with Ergue-te party flags and a man being violently attacked by various citizens present at the action.

In the images, also released on social media, it is possible to see the head of the list of the Ergue-te party in the European elections, the former judge Rui Fonseca e Castro, speaking to those present. The former judge does not appear involved in the aggressions, witnessing them and continuing to speak.

Contacted by CNN Portugal, the former judge justified what happened by saying that "the members of the party were provoked by the man".

The Lusa agency has already contacted the Public Ministry but has not yet obtained a response.

Leia Também: Ação de campanha do Ergue-te marcada por agressões junto à sede do BE (Portuguese version)

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