
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

BE challenges the Government to approve the deduction of mortgage interest in IRS

The coordinator of the Left Bloc, Mariana Mortágua, today challenged the Government to vote in favor of a proposal from her party so that people with a housing loan can deduct the interest in the IRS.

BE challenges the Government to approve the deduction of mortgage interest in IRS
Notícias ao Minuto

19:56 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

Política Mariana Mortágua

"Less than a year ago, this same PSD presented a proposal in the Assembly of the Republic for people who have housing loans to be able to deduct the interest," said Mariana Mortágua.

In a street rally in Senhor de Matosinhos, in the district of Porto, the bloc leader challenged the Government to approve the BE proposal, which is "the same one that the PSD presented months ago".

"We present this proposal, the same proposal that the PSD presented months ago, and the PSD started by rejecting it. We will now discuss it again in the specialty and the appeal and challenge that I make is that it be approved," she said.

Mariana Mortágua compared the need to approve this measure with the government's announced intention to reduce the IRC for companies.

"My question is very simple. Why is there money to reduce the IRS for large companies and there is no money for people to deduct the interest on their housing loan from their IRS?" she asked.

Arguing that the reduction in IRC will be "paid with the money of all taxpayers", Mariana Mortágua accused the Government of being "incapable of approving such a sensible measure that could help many families".

"The study presented and has a team of researchers that includes Paulo Núncio, leader of the CDS, says that to reduce the IRC it is necessary to compensate it in three ways, or increase the IRS for everyone, or increase the VAT that is paid by everyone or reduce social support such as family allowance, for example," she said, saying that this is "the choice that the Government" faces in favor of the commitment made.

Asked if there was still room for negotiations, Mariana Mortágua said that "a great negotiation" was not necessary.

"The PSD just has to agree to vote on the BE proposal," she argued.

Read Also: BE asks for an urgent hearing of the Minister of Labor on the Printer graphic (Portuguese version)

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