
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Twins? Aguiar-Branco asks that AR "leave once again prestigious"

The President of the Assembly of the Republic, José Pedro Aguiar-Branco, today asked that the parliament "emerge once again with prestige" with the conclusions of the parliamentary inquiry commission into the case of the twins treated with the drug Zolgensma.

Twins? Aguiar-Branco asks that AR "leave once again prestigious"
Notícias ao Minuto

16:01 - 22/05/24 por Lusa

Política Caso das gémeas

The parliament president spoke after swearing in the members of the parliamentary inquiry committee on the case of the twins treated at the Santa Maria Hospital in Lisbon.

"My appeal is that all of us, all the members of this inquiry committee, may project the image we all desire, that parliament will once again emerge prestigious from this inquiry committee and the conclusions it reaches," he said.

Aguiar-Branco wished the 17 members of the committee well in their work and stressed that "it is very important and relevant" for conveying to citizens the work carried out in the Assembly of the Republic.

The second highest figure in the State hierarchy referred to the importance of parliamentary inquiries carrying out "effective and productive work" and regretted that "often only the most spectacular part is conveyed," giving "a different image" of the work carried out.

The committee has already scheduled its first meeting of the board and coordinators for Friday at 9:00 am, before the plenary meeting, to define the methodology of the work and issues related to its functioning, in addition to the time schedule.

After Aguiar-Branco's brief words, MP Rui Paulo Sousa took his place as chairman of the inquiry committee and invited the two vice-chairmen to also take their respective places beside him.

Ana Santos of the PSD is the first vice-chairperson and Jorge Botelho of the PS holds the other vice-presidency of this committee.

The Chega MP said it was "an honour and a privilege" to chair the inquiry committee and stressed that, "due to its nature and specificities, it has greater powers and responsibilities than the others."

"You can count on my full commitment, dedication, impartiality and sense of responsibility in conducting the work. I expect the same commitment, dedication and collaboration from the members of parliament," he said.

The various political forces wished them well in their work and said they were committed to ensuring that the work would proceed "with the greatest elevation" and contribute "to the prestige of the Assembly of the Republic."

The parties also indicated their coordinators: João Paulo Correia (PS), António Rodrigues (PSD), André Ventura (Chega), Joana Cordeiro (IL), Joana Mortágua (BE), Alfredo Maia (PCP), Paulo Muacho (Livre), João Almeida (CDS-PP) and Inês de Sousa Real (PAN).

In total, this first meeting of the parliamentary inquiry committee lasted about 10 minutes.

The work of the parliamentary inquiry committee to verify the legality and conduct of the political leaders allegedly involved in the provision of health care to two children treated with the drug Zolgensma, forced by Chega, began today with the swearing-in of its members.

The purpose of this potestative committee is to "ascertain, regardless of the political decision-makers involved, all responsibilities in favouring the provision of health care to the two Luso-Brazilian children treated with the drug Zolgensma (one of the most expensive in the world), as well as in obtaining nationality," as well as "to uncover possible irregularities committed throughout the process," "calculate the costs to the public purse" and "investigate the existence of other similar cases in the recent past."

At issue is the treatment, in 2020, of two twins residing in Brazil who acquired Portuguese nationality, with the drug Zolgensma. With a total cost of four million euros (two million euros per person), this drug aims to control the spread of spinal muscular atrophy, a neurodegenerative disease.

The case was reported by TVI last November and is still being investigated by the Attorney General's Office (PGR) and the General Inspectorate for Health Activities (IGAS) has already concluded that access to these children's neuropediatric consultation was illegal.

An internal audit by the Santa Maria Hospital also concluded that the scheduling of an initial hospital consultation by the Secretary of State for Health was the only exception to compliance with the rules in this case.

Read Also: Aguiar-Branco proposes creation of vote of repudiation against hate speech (Portuguese version)

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