
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Arrives with a daily action and bets on street protests for the European elections

The Chega campaign for the European elections will start in the Algarve and end in Viana do Castelo and on most days only one action is planned, with a focus on street demonstrations.

Arrives with a daily action and bets on street protests for the European elections
Notícias ao Minuto

18:10 - 23/05/24 por Lusa

Política Europeias

According to the itinerary released today by the party, Chega candidates will travel through 11 of the country's 18 districts during the 12 days of the official campaign for the European Parliament elections on June 9, and the actions are mostly in the afternoon and evening, similar to what happened in the party's last national rounds.

The party is betting mostly on street parades, with three dinners also scheduled. The party's president, André Ventura, is also expected to accompany the candidates in the electoral campaign.

The first day, Monday, starts with a street parade in Albufeira in the afternoon and on Tuesday another street parade in Olhão, followed by a dinner.

In the following three days, Chega's campaign moves to Beja, Elvas (Portalegre district) and Évora, where more street parades are planned during the afternoon.

At the weekend, the campaign heads to Santarém, where there will be a dinner on Saturday, and to Seixal (Setúbal district), where a street parade is planned on Sunday.

The second week of the campaign starts in the district of Lisbon, with a street parade in Mem Martins.

Chega's national tour, which has as its top candidate the party's vice-president and former ambassador António Tânger Corrêa, continues in Aveiro, with another street parade on Tuesday, June 4.

The following day, Wednesday, the candidates head to Porto, and on Thursday to Braga, for two more street parades in the afternoon, one each day.

On the last day of the official campaign for the European elections, the Chega caravan will be in Viana do Castelo, where it will hold a street parade. The party ends the campaign in that district, with a dinner.

Chega does not yet have representation in the European Parliament, but the goal is to elect MEPs on June 9 and the leader, André Ventura, has already admitted the possibility and the hope that the party may even win these elections.

This will be the first time that Chega has run in European elections. In 2019, the year in which the party was made official by the Constitutional Court (in the month before the elections), André Ventura was the top candidate for the Basta coalition, which brought together the Monarchist Popular Party (PPM) - which is now running in the Democratic Alliance with PSD and CDS-PP -, and the now extinct Christian Democracy and Citizenship Party (PPV/CDC).

Chega's vice-president António Tânger Corrêa is the top candidate for Chega in the elections for the European Parliament and the former PSD deputy Tiago Moreira de Sá is number two, followed by the former leader of the IL Mariana Nina Silvestre.

Number four on the list is Francisco Almeida Leite, a former journalist and former Secretary of State in the government of Pedro Passos Coelho and as fifth is Chega leader Márcia Ferreira da Silva, who was a member of the party's Ethics Committee.

Read Also: Detained for threatening Chega "hospitalized" (and AR was evacuated as a precaution) (Portuguese version)

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