
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

ADN highlights "unyielding defense of peace" to replace weapons with dialogue

The head of the list of the National Democratic Alternative (ADN) party for the European elections, Joana Amaral Dias, today highlighted the "uncompromising defense of peace" as the main pillar of her candidacy for the European Parliament, defending the "replacement of weapons by politics".

ADN highlights "unyielding defense of peace" to replace weapons with dialogue
Notícias ao Minuto

13:52 - 24/05/24 por Lusa

Política Eleições Europeias

"Our immediate proposal is an immediate ceasefire. Ceasefire today, immediately. Europe must establish itself as an element and a diplomatic protagonist, naturally rescuing and recapturing its roots, sitting at the negotiating table with representatives from Russia and Ukraine", stated the independent candidate Joana Amaral Dias, during the presentation of the ADN program for the European elections on June 9, which took place in Funchal, on the island of Madeira.
The choice of the Madeira region for this presentation coincides with the last day of the campaign for the Madeira regional elections, which will be held on Sunday, and was attended by the head of the ADN list for the regional elections, Miguel Pita, as well as the party president, Bruno Fialho, with a total of around 20 supporters and members. The ADN program for the European elections is also a manifesto of "denunciation of many particularly dangerous and serious situations" in the functioning of the European Union, indicated Joana Amaral Dias, pointing out the distance between voters and elected officials and the existence of "unelected, supranational elites" deciding the course of Europe, also criticizing war as "a favor to the arms lobby". "It is no coincidence that the problems of privileges in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, of corruption in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, of peripherality in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, of poverty in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, happen and that they are closely, umbilically, related precisely to the unelected elites that govern us from the height of their Eurocracy and their technocracy in Brussels and Strasbourg", she accused. With the aim of obtaining at least one term in the European Parliament, the ADN candidacy has five pillars, namely the defense of peace, economy and employment, immigration and asylum, defense of the primary sector and defense of rights, freedoms and fundamental guarantees, as well as the rule of law. In defense of peace, including the end of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the head of the ADN list suggested that "the European Union should establish itself not as a neutral element, but as an active element, of active and entrepreneurial search for peace", considering that this "is probably the greatest task and the greatest mission that the European Union currently has ahead of it". In the area of the economy, former deputy Joana Amaral Dias defended the creation of quality jobs for young people, "who are always being vilified, robbed or even removed from the job market". With the commitment to combat illegal trafficking of immigrants and improve the management of the European Union's external borders, the ADN wants "regulated immigration, which obviously respects all those who were born and reside in Portugal, who work and contribute to well-being and national wealth". As for the defense of the primary sector, the candidate highlighted the importance of this issue for the Autonomous Region of Madeira, stating that "it has been so punished by the destruction of agriculture, fishing and a series of other activities that were once the livelihood of so many people". Reinforcing the uncompromising protection and defense of citizens' rights, freedoms and fundamental guarantees, Joana Amaral Dias criticized the legislation on digital transition and digital identity: "They want to 'chip' us like cattle". The head of the ADN list also questioned the agenda "against freedom of the press" and in favor of the end of physical money and in favor of a central currency issued by the European Central Bank, appealing for a vote for her candidacy to prevent this from happening: "It's now or never". The elections for the European Parliament, in which voters from the 27 Member States choose the 720 deputies, will take place between June 6 and 9. In Portugal, the vote is scheduled for the 9th, choosing the 21 national representatives in the European Parliament.
Read Also: ADN defends greater scrutiny of the unemployed in Madeira (Portuguese version)

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