
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

European Elections. PAN focuses campaign on Lisbon and almost does not go through the interior

PAN's electoral campaign for the European elections will include about a dozen actions in the district of Lisbon, will have passages through the Azores and Madeira and only one visit to the interior of the country.

European Elections. PAN focuses campaign on Lisbon and almost does not go through the interior
Notícias ao Minuto

14:57 - 24/05/24 por Lusa

Política Eleições Europeias

According to the itinerary released by the party, Pessoas-Animais-Natureza will visit 11 of the country's 18 districts during the electoral campaign period that begins next week.

The party whose list is led by Pedro Fidalgo Marques will begin its journey in the district of Santarém, on the morning of 26 May, with participation in the ceremonies of the National Firefighter's Day in the city of Entroncamento.

Then, in the afternoon of the same day, the PAN delegation will leave for the first of several campaign actions in the capital, with a visit to the Miradouro de Santa Catarina.

On 27 May, the official start date of the campaign, Pedro Fidalgo Marques will remain in Lisbon and has a scheduled visit to the technology company Wind Credible, in Amadora, and to the Instituto Zoófilo Quinta Carbone, in Oeiras.

For the third day of the campaign, the delegation will head to the district of Setúbal, with a visit to the port of Sines which, according to the party, is "unfortunately the gateway for the transport of live animals".

On 29 May, the party will head north and have a meeting about a circular economy project called E-Tijolo, in Braga, which transforms cigarette butts into sustainable bricks. In the afternoon, the visit will pass through the historic centre of Viana do Castelo in an action against the Vaca das Cordas, with a "symbolic tearing of a cow's rope symbolising its need for liberation.

On 30 May, the day will be spent in Porto, with three actions scheduled in the city centre, in Gaia and in Matosinhos, where they will end the day at the Festa Popular do Senhor de Matosinhos.

Before returning to Lisbon, the PAN delegation will be in Aveiro and Coimbra on 31 May.

The weekend of 1 and 2 June will be marked by actions in the capital with visits to Campo Pequeno, the Feira do Relógio and a celebration of the national day of animal rights, which ends the first week of the campaign.

For the second week, the party's commitments have not yet been announced, and only the cities where the PAN delegation will visit have been confirmed.

On 3 June, Pedro Fidalgo Marques will be in Lisbon and Porto, on 4 June in Leiria and Santarém, on 5 June he will visit the archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira and on 6 June PAN will be in Faro and Beja, in the only action in mainland Portugal away from the coast.

The closing of the campaign, on 7 June, will once again take the PAN delegation to the country's capital.

In the last European elections, in May 2019, the Pessoas-Animais-Natureza party managed to be elected for the first time, having gathered 5.08% of the votes (168,501 ballots).

About a year later, in June 2020, MEP Francisco Guerreiro left the party due to "political disagreements" with the leadership, then led by André Silva.

Read also: ADN destaca "defesa intransigente da paz" para substituir armas por diálogo (Portuguese version)

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