
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

AD, PS and Livre believe that the enlargement of the EU to the East and the Balkans is fundamental

AD, PS and Livre consider the enlargement of the European Union (EU) to the East and to the Western Balkans to be fundamental, while the CDU argues that it is necessary to safeguard economic impacts and avoid penalizing countries such as Portugal.

AD, PS and Livre believe that the enlargement of the EU to the East and the Balkans is fundamental
Notícias ao Minuto

12:07 - 25/05/24 por Lusa

Política Europeias

Chega and IL declare themselves in favor of the entry of new Member States, highlighting Ukraine. BE agrees with the integration of candidates who meet the accession criteria, without referring to any specific country. These positions were taken in response to a questionnaire sent by the Lusa agency to the top candidates for the June 9 elections for the European Parliament. "Will you support the expansion of the EU, if so, to which candidate countries, and do you think it is possible as early as 2030, as the President of the European Council has been saying?" was one of the questions asked. The top candidate of the AD (coalition between PSD, CDS-PP and PPM), Sebastião Bugalho, replied that "the enlargement of the EU is today a strategic imperative". "Vladimir Putin's war has done nothing more than prove the need to strengthen our integration space, extending it to Ukraine, Moldova, the Western Balkans and, eventually, Georgia," he argued, promising that those elected by the AD will actively participate in this process. The PS's top candidate gave a similar answer, considering that "the enlargement process -- both to the East and to the Balkans -- is a moral and geopolitical imperative", for reasons of solidarity, stability and security, "and also to expand the EU's influence and relevance as a global actor, curbing pernicious influences in its neighborhood". Marta Temido pointed out that this process should move forward "based on the efforts of the different countries in complying with the Copenhagen criteria" and implies a reform of EU policies and operating rules. Francisco Paupério, who heads the Livre list, said that his party considers that "the enlargement of the EU is fundamental for the stability and security of Europe" and that "the ongoing negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova and the full accession of the Western Balkan countries are unique opportunities to strengthen democracy in Europe". However, he stressed that "any accession process must follow the Copenhagen criteria, ensuring alignment with European values". "IL is in favor of the enlargement of the EU to new countries, starting with Ukraine (whose heroic struggle for its freedom is also a struggle for ours), and should also include Georgia and several countries of the Western Balkans, within the norms that govern the accession processes, namely the fulfillment of the Copenhagen criteria", was the response of João Cotrim Figueiredo. The IL's top candidate invoked political reasons, of democratic consolidation, and economic reasons, of reinforcing the dimension of the European economic bloc. In turn, António Tânger Corrêa replied that "Chega is in favor of the enlargement of the EU, starting with Ukraine", but preceded by "a revision of the EU's institutional and financial framework" and obeying "very defined rules". "Enlargement should not harm cohesion countries and cannot jeopardize the principle of one commissioner per country. We will never give this up in Brussels," said Chega's top candidate. For the PAN's top candidate, Pedro Fidalgo Marques, "the European spirit should be guided by solidarity and respect for human rights, in particular towards countries that, like Ukraine, see their self-determination challenged due to a war resulting from the invasion of Russia", but any accession process "must take into account the work and willingness to follow the democratic and inclusion values that guide the Union". On behalf of BE, Catarina Martins stated: "We agree with the integration of EU candidates who meet the Copenhagen criteria, guaranteeing a rule of law, capacity to implement Community legislation, to be verified during the negotiation and transition period. This is the EU rule, there should be no change to the criteria". For a new enlargement, the BE's top candidate demands "a reinforced cohesion policy" and "a larger budget". For the CDU (coalition between PCP and PEV), João Oliveira argued that "the accession of new states should always result from a sovereign, democratic and informed decision of each people as to its consequences". "It is necessary to safeguard the economic impacts, ensuring the financial means that guarantee economic and social convergence in the direction of progress, without penalizing countries like Portugal. This issue cannot be separated from the intention of the main powers to extend their influence, conquer markets, access cheap labor, and impose their economic and political domination on new countries," he added.
The candidate countries for the European Union are: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, from the Western Balkans, as well as Georgia, Moldova, Turkey and Ukraine.

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