
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Volt Portugal wants European armed forces and a joint headquarters

Volt Portugal proposes the progressive creation of a European Armed Forces and wants the European Union to be a "diplomatic force" with Israel to "influence peace negotiations" and ensure compliance with international law in Gaza.

Volt Portugal wants European armed forces and a joint headquarters
Notícias ao Minuto

13:03 - 25/05/24 por Lusa

Política Eleições Europeias

In response to a questionnaire sent by Agência Lusa to the parties running in the European elections of June 9, Volt Portugal expressed its agreement with the possibility of sending troops, including Portuguese troops, to Ukraine, as advocated by French President Emmanuel Macron.

"Volt advocates greater integration of national armed forces and the progressive creation of European armed forces. This objective can be achieved through measures such as the creation of a European Military Headquarters (to develop strategies and make important operational decisions on the operations of EU military units), the development of joint EU military capabilities", it reads in the response.

As for the possible joint issuance of debt by the EU to promote investment in defense projects, Volt Portugal is in favor, but considers that this measure can also be used to invest "in social policy and solidarity instruments, such as the European Basic Income, in innovation to support small and medium-sized enterprises in the sectors of the future, or in the ambitious and fair climate transition in accordance with common European needs".

On the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the party advocates the two-state solution and argues that "the EU's priority should be to positively influence the negotiation of an immediate ceasefire and the mobilization of humanitarian aid for the Palestinian people".

"In this context, the EU must maintain its role of influence to ensure compliance with international law in this conflict zone", it is emphasized.

Volt recalls that Israel and the EU "have historical ties and maintain important economic relations and geopolitical interests, which can be activated to influence peace negotiations".

"Together with Israel, the EU must be a diplomatic force that mobilizes efforts to ensure compliance with the decision of the International Court of Justice, which determines Israel's obligation to prevent genocide in Gaza and to act immediately in this direction", it argues.

On the other hand, it calls for "the urgent release of all hostages and the dismantling of Hamas as a terrorist cell that illegitimately and bloodily occupies power with the Palestinian people".

Volt opposed the recent European Pact for Migration and Asylum and proposes simplifying visa procedures for immigration from outside the European area, in order to facilitate the inclusion of these citizens "and to fill the current gaps in the labor market that are affecting the activity and competitiveness of European companies".

The reception effort "must be shared" and for this "mechanisms for relocating refugees throughout the European territory are necessary, without the possibility of paying to avoid them, and relieving the pressure on the entry countries, in particular the pressure exerted on their public services".

The party supports the enlargement of the EU, provided that the candidate countries meet the accession criteria, but considers it "imperative" to reform the Union to prepare it for this.

For Volt Portugal, it is a priority to "change the decision-making processes that currently require unanimity in the Council, in order to avoid blockages caused by the vetoes of a single Member State, as has been frequent" and the party proposes that the European Council be replaced by a European Senate, "as the second chamber of the EU and also a European Parliament with the power of legislative initiative, as happens at national level".

Volt Europa is a federalist and "pan-European" party that emerged internationally as a movement in 2017, as a reaction to 'Brexit'.  

Read Also: European elections? "IL's main adversary is abstention", says Cotrim (Portuguese version)

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