
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

PCP classifies as positive the audit of the Defense licensing

The PCP Secretary General classified today as positive the decision of the Minister of National Defense, Nuno Melo, to promote an audit to all the licenses granted by the ministry since 2015.

PCP classifies as positive the audit of the Defense licensing
Notícias ao Minuto

19:14 - 25/05/24 por Lusa

Política Europeias

"Anything that helps clarify, clear up doubts and not leave things unexplained I think is positive," said Paulo Raimundo to journalists during a CDU parade in Porto, where he was accompanied by the head of the list for the European elections, João Oliveira.
However, the communist hopes that this decision "does not end up as just another announcement and another maneuver." "We will see if it goes beyond the announcement, I hope not," he added. The Minister of National Defense announced today an audit of all licenses for trading and industrial activities in military goods and technologies granted by the ministry since 2015, after detecting possible irregularities in this process. "The Minister of National Defense will request an audit, to be carried out by the General Inspection of National Defense, to investigate compliance with the law and determine all responsibilities regarding all licenses for trading and industrial activities in military goods and technologies granted by the Ministry of National Defense since 2015," reads a statement released today. At issue are possible failures in the "double control" of these licenses -- the responsibility of the Directorate-General for National Defense Resources (DGRDN) and the National Security Office (GNS) -- detected in a "preliminary investigation" carried out by the ministry now under the supervision of Nuno Melo.
Read Also: Hearing of Costa by the MP opens "a path to clarify the situation" (Portuguese version)

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