
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Catarina denounces "genocide" in Palestine "also with European weapons"

The head of the Left Bloc (BE) list for the European elections said today that "the genocide" imposed on the Palestinian people is being "done also with European money and weapons", stressing that Israel "must be stopped".

Catarina denounces "genocide" in Palestine "also with European weapons"
Notícias ao Minuto

16:34 - 26/05/24 por Lusa

Política Catarina Martins

"The International Court of Justice [ICJ] last Friday ordered Israel to immediately suspend the offensive in Rafah. It is Sunday, and the offensive continues. The International Court of Justice gave the order and the order is not being complied with", criticised Catarina Martins, during a luncheon in Boliqueime, in the municipality of Loulé, district of Faro.

The Bloco candidate reinforced that "neither is Israel complying with the order, nor has the European Union stopped the association agreement with Israel or imposed any sanctions, and not even the German government has imposed the arms embargo".

What is happening in Gaza, "the genocide that [Benjamin] Netanyahu [prime minister of Israel] is imposing on the Palestinian people", stressed Catarina Martins, "is also being done with European money and weapons".

"We here say 'no, not in our name'. 'No, not in our name'. Israel must be stopped", stressed the head of the BE list for the European elections of 9 June.

The International Court of Justice ordered Israel on Friday to immediately suspend military operations in Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip.

Israel must "immediately suspend the military offensive, as well as any other action" in Rafah "that may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza living conditions likely to cause its total or partial physical destruction", according to the ICJ.

Catarina Martins warned that in the next European term "concrete, effective" decisions will have to be made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or else "it will be too late" to mitigate the effects of climate change.

The Bloco candidate also said that the European Union must decide whether it wants to put innovation at the service of social progress, climate and work.

"We cannot live in a world in which technology always means faster, more intense work rhythms, and never more time to live. If technology allows so much, how is it that it does not allow us to live better, with more time for ourselves, with more time for our families, with better salaries? How is it that so much is produced, so much, per second and we work more and more hours for an increasingly smaller salary? It is for this Europe that we fight, for a Europe in which innovation is social progress. This is the path and the choice that we have ahead of us", she concluded.

Read Also: "There is a Right that wants setbacks and must be fought" (Portuguese version)

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