
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Chega reaffirms that "it is out of the question" to make a post-election agreement with PSD

The representative of the Chega candidacy for the Madeira elections highlighted today that the party is "the only one" growing on the right, according to the projection released, and reiterated that a post-election agreement with the PSD is "out of the question".

Chega reaffirms that "it is out of the question" to make a post-election agreement with PSD
Notícias ao Minuto

20:06 - 26/05/24 por Lusa

Política Madeira

"It was out of the question at the beginning of the campaign, in the middle, at the end, and it is out of the question now, also because we have our presidents, both national and regional, as men of their word, so an agreement with the PSD at this time is not, I believe, in Chega's plans", said Francisco Gomes, representative of Chega's candidacy for the regional elections and the party's deputy in the Assembly of the Republic elected by the Madeira constituency. Francisco Gomes was speaking at a hotel in Funchal, where Chega will follow the results of the Madeira legislative elections tonight, emphasizing that "on the right, the only party that is growing is, in fact, Chega, which shows that the right-wing electorate places its trust precisely in the Chega party". According to a projection by the Catholic University for RTP, the PSD won today's Madeira regional legislative elections, with 33% to 38% of the votes, failing to achieve an absolute majority. With this result, the PSD obtains between 16 and 21 seats, when 24 are needed to guarantee an absolute majority in parliament, which has a total of 47 seats. In the projection released at 7:00 pm, the PS obtains between 11 and 14 deputies (21% to 25%), the JPP between seven and 10 (16% to 19%), Chega between three and five (8% to 11%) and the CDS-PP between one and two (2% to 5%). The representative of Chega's candidacy, headed by Miguel Castro, also said that the result indicated by the projection "is not a surprising situation", stating that the party was on the streets and felt "the support and desire of the population, a desire for change". "On the right, the only party that is growing is Chega, while the others that are in that ideological political spectrum are in sharp decline", reinforced Francisco Gomes, adding that the party won votes from voters who want "a profound change in the Madeiran political system", because "they are completely saturated with issues of 'cronyism', 'compadrio', and corruption". Insisting that "the party is clearly growing", Francisco Gomes recalled that Chega has been represented in the Madeira Legislative Assembly "for about six months", with four deputies who, "in the very short time they were in the regional parliament, developed serious and dignified work", especially with the commitment to combating corruption. Regarding a possible post-election agreement with the PSD, the representative said that "Chega's commitment is to the people of Madeira and Chega could never or should never go against the feeling of the people of Madeira, much less serve as a crutch for a party or for a system or for a regime that is mortally wounded with problems of corruption and 'compadrio'". "We cannot betray our electorate, betray our identity, betray our principles and betray the trust of those who trusted us for the sake of a pseudo-stability, which is a false stability, because it would come through support for a party that does not guarantee a fight for our main banner, which is the fight against corruption", he argued. The early regional legislative elections in Madeira took place today, in a vote in which more than 254,000 voters were called to vote, to choose a new parliament and a new government. Fourteen candidacies competed for the 47 seats in the regional parliament, in a single electoral constituency: ADN, BE, PS, Livre, IL, RIR, CDU (PCP/PEV), Chega, CDS-PP, MPT, PSD, PAN, PTP and JPP. Today's early elections took place eight months after the most recent regional legislative elections, after the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, dissolved the Madeiran parliament, following the political crisis triggered in January, when the leader of the Regional Government (PSD/CDS-PP), Miguel Albuquerque, was named a defendant in a process in which suspicions of corruption are being investigated. In the last legislature, the Madeira Legislative Assembly had 20 representatives from the PSD, three from the CDS-PP, 11 from the PS, five from the JPP and four from Chega. The CDU, the BE, the PAN and the IL each held one seat.
Read Also: UP TO THE MINUTE: Projection gives victory to PSD in Madeira (but without majority) (Portuguese version)

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