
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Madeira? Voters want PSD to govern led by Albuquerque

The president of the PSD and prime minister said that today's regional elections in Madeira "leave no doubt" as to the intention of the voters that the PSD should lead the government and that it should be headed by Miguel Albuquerque.

Madeira? Voters want PSD to govern led by Albuquerque
Notícias ao Minuto

22:51 - 26/05/24 por Lusa

Política Luís Montenegro

Luís Montenegro spoke to journalists at the PSD national headquarters, in reaction to the results of the regional elections in Madeira, which the PSD won without an absolute majority.

"The people of Madeira have chosen clearly, and in the space of eight months, the same political force to lead the Regional Government and the same candidate," he said.

On the other hand, Montenegro accused the PS and Chega of "failing miserably" in their objectives in the Madeira regional elections, leaving a message for their leaders at the national level.

"It is time to demand democratic respect, democratic humility from those who lose (...) What is expected for the future is that there will be no more elections, that there will be no elections every six months," he said, saying that he did not want to interfere in the government solutions for Madeira.

Montenegro, who spoke to journalists flanked by PSD vice-presidents Margarida Balseiro Lopes and Inês Ramalho and secretary-general Hugo Soares, said he had already congratulated Miguel Albuquerque.

"The victory of the PSD and Dr. Miguel Albuquerque leaves no doubt as to the intention of the people of Madeira and Porto Santo: that the PSD lead the Government and that this government be led by Dr. Miguel Albuquerque," he said, hoping that "a solution that provides governability and stability" will be found.

Asked about the statements of Chega leader André Ventura, who expressed his willingness to reach an understanding with the PSD-Madeira, but without Miguel Albuquerque, the social democratic leader reiterated that "the voters spoke clearly and unequivocally".

"Asking someone who won the elections to resign? That makes no sense and no one understands that," he said.

When asked if Albuquerque should have been a candidate as a defendant in a case involving allegations of corruption, Montenegro did not answer directly, repeating that the elections "are the solemn moment of the expression of the will of the people".

The PSD leader declined to say whether he prefers the PSD-Madeira to govern in a minority or seek to negotiate a minority solution, out of respect for regional autonomy.

"Governing is not easy anywhere, what is required is that everyone can assume their responsibilities and my principle is that whoever wins should govern," he said.

Asked about the national interpretations of today's results, namely for the PS and Chega, the prime minister said that "everyone should interpret the will of the people".

"What we have today in Portugal are three PSD Governments: one in the Republic, one in the Azores and one in Madeira. The three do not have an absolute majority, but the three won elections and are holders of democratic legitimacy," he said.

"So what can happen? There are two parties - PS and Chega - that, not satisfied with the popular will, can block the governments," he said, noting that this is possible in the national parliament, but will not be enough in Madeira.

The prime minister argued that "it is not for lack of effort" that, in the national parliament and in the Azores and Madeira, the opposition parties "have no opportunity and possibility to contribute positively to the solutions".

"What I am not able to do is to force people who have no will to have this behavior to put it into action. The PS and Chega talk, talk, talk, but at the end of the day they are accomplices and convergent in blocking the governments that the voters have chosen, but that is a responsibility that each one must assume," he accused.

According to information provided by the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Internal Administration, the social democrats obtained 36.13% of the votes and 19 seats in the regional parliament of Madeira, which consists of a total of 47 deputies.

In second place, the PS won 11 seats, followed by the JPP with nine, Chega with four, the CDS-PP with two, and the IL and PAN with one seat each. The BE and CDU left the Legislative Assembly, in relation to the previous composition.

[News updated at 11:19 p.m.]

Read Also: MINUTE BY MINUTE: PSD wins in 9 of the 11 municipalities; CDU and BE out of parliament (Portuguese version)

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