
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

PSD wins in nine of the 11 municipalities of Madeira

The PSD won today in nine of the 11 municipalities of Madeira, with the other two going to the leadership of the PS, in the case of Machico, and the JPP, in the case of Santa Cruz, according to the provisional official results.

PSD wins in nine of the 11 municipalities of Madeira
Notícias ao Minuto

23:11 - 26/05/24 por Lusa

Política Madeira

In the early regional elections that took place today, the Social Democrats saw the amplitude of their absolute majority reduced, now only verified in the municipality of Calheta (51.78%), when, on September 24, 2023, they had achieved it in six municipalities (although in coalition with the CDS-PP).

According to information provided by the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Internal Administration, the PSD came very close to the majority in the municipalities of Ponta do Sol (49.71%) and Porto Moniz (49.23%).

Apart from the municipalities where the PS and JPP won, the PSD's lowest vote occurred in Funchal, with 33.34%, although the Social Democrats won in all 10 parishes of the largest municipality (with votes above 30% and below 40%).

In Machico, the PSD was the second most voted political force (33.40%), losing the municipality to the PS by only 12 votes, with the Socialists winning in two of the five parishes (Machico and Caniçal).

The same second place was reserved for the PSD in the municipality of Santa Cruz (26.85%), where the JPP won the election by 1,563 votes, winning all five parishes.

The PS came in second place in all municipalities except Santa Cruz, which the JPP took from the PSD, which, in turn, came to occupy that position.

The JPP dethroned Chega from the third position won in seven of the eleven Madeiran municipalities in the last elections, coming in third place in all constituencies, except for Santa Cruz, where it won, and Santana, where that position was won by the CDS-PP, which ran alone in today's scrutiny.

The PSD won in 45 of the 54 parishes in the region, missing the five in the municipality of Santa Cruz, for the JPP; two in Machico (Machico and Caniçal) and one in Porto Moniz (Achadas da Cruz), for the PS; and one in Calheta (Paul do Mar), for the CDS-PP, which obtained an absolute majority there.

In the municipality of Calheta, the PSD won with an absolute majority in six of the eight parishes, with the highest vote of the election being registered in the parish of Prazeres (60%).

The PSD won the regional elections in Madeira today, with 36.13% of the votes and 19 mandates, but without an absolute majority, according to the final provisional results.

The PS was the second most voted force, with 21.32%, and elected 11 deputies, and Juntos pelo Povo (JPP) was third, with 16.89% and nine deputies, according to data from the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Internal Administration.

The early regional legislative elections in Madeira took place today, in a scrutiny in which more than 254 thousand voters were called to vote.

In dispute in the elections, with a single constituency, are 47 seats in the Regional Legislative Assembly, for which 14 candidacies competed (one coalition and 13 single parties).

In relation to the regionals of September 24, 2023, the only difference in terms of competitors is the fact that the PSD and CDS-PP (which governed together in the last two legislatures) appear in separate lists, when last year they went to the polls in coalition.

Today's early elections took place eight months after the most recent regional legislative elections, after the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, dissolved the Madeiran parliament, following the political crisis triggered in January, when the leader of the Regional Government (PSD/CDS-PP), Miguel Albuquerque, was constituted as a defendant in a process in which suspicions of corruption are being investigated.

Read Also: Madeira. Abstention rate was 46.60%, similar to that of 2023 (Portuguese version)

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