
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

JPP increases from five to nine deputies and PSD loses votes without coalition

Together for the People (JPP) had 8,025 more votes in today's regional elections in Madeira, compared to 2023, increasing from five to nine deputies, while the PSD obtained 49,103 votes, and 19 mandates, now without CDS-PP.

JPP increases from five to nine deputies and PSD loses votes without coalition
Notícias ao Minuto

23:56 - 26/05/24 por Lusa

Política Eleições na Madeira

According to the provisional results made available by the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Internal Administration, the JPP obtained 22,958 votes (16.89%), when in 2023 it had 14,933 votes (11.33%), moving to nine deputies, remaining as the third political force in the regional parliament, in 47 mandates. The PSD won the early regional elections with 49,103 votes (36.13%), electing 19 deputies, 9,291 votes less than the 58,394 (44.31%) obtained in 2023 by the PSD/CDS-PP coalition. The CDS-People's Party obtained 5,384 votes (3.96%), electing two deputies. The Socialist Party remained the largest political force in the opposition in the regional parliament, with the same 11 deputies, with 28,981 votes (21.32%), 141 votes more than the 28,840 in the previous elections. Chega, with 12,541 votes (9.23%), 512 votes more than last year, with 12,029 votes, kept the four deputies, while the Liberal Initiative (IL) kept one deputy, with 3,482 votes (2.56%) -- less than the 3,555 (2.70%) in 2023 --, as well as the mandate of the People-Animals-Nature (PAN), despite falling to 2,531 votes (1.86%) compared to the previous 3,046 (2.31%). The CDU - Democratic Unitarian Coalition (PCP-PEV) lost its deputy in the regional parliament, by obtaining only 2,217 votes (1.63%), against 3,677 (2.79%) in the previous election, as well as the Left Bloc (BE), with 1,912 votes (1.41%), well below the 3,035 (2.30%) of last year. Of the 254,522 voters registered for the early elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, there were 135,909 voters (53.40%) and the abstention rate was 46.60%, according to the provisional data. Among the voters, there were 609 blank votes (0.45%) and 2,182 null votes (1.61%). In these early regional elections, 14 candidacies were presented, of which the Portuguese Labour Party (PTP), which had 1,222 votes (0.90%), Livre (L), with 911 votes (0.67%), National Democratic Alternative (ADN), with 772 (0.57%), Terra Party (MPT), with 577 (0.42%) and React Include Recycle (RIR), with 527 (0.39%), also failed to elect deputies. Today's early elections took place eight months after the most recent regional elections, after the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, dissolved the Madeiran parliament, following the political crisis triggered in January, when the leader of the Regional Government (PSD/CDS-PP), Miguel Albuquerque, was indicted in a process in which suspicions of corruption are being investigated.
Read Also: Albuquerque available to dialogue with "all parties" (Portuguese version)

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