
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

PAN will be a constructive force in the new parliamentary framework of Madeira

The PAN spokesperson stated that her party will be a constructive force in the new political framework in Madeira resulting from Sunday's regional elections, but reiterated the unavailability for parliamentary incidence agreements with Miguel Albuquerque.

PAN will be a constructive force in the new parliamentary framework of Madeira
Notícias ao Minuto

00:18 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Política Inês de Sousa Real

Inês de Sousa Real assumed these positions in statements to the Lusa agency, from Madeira, in which she expressed "great joy" and "great pride" at the re-election of deputy Mónica Freitas to the Regional Legislative Assembly, considering that the voters "renewed their vote of confidence" in PAN.
Asked if PAN is available for any type of understanding to support a new PSD Regional Government led by Miguel Albuquerque, Inês de Sousa Real replied: "Our Regional Political Commission and our sole deputy Mónica Freitas have already spoken out about this and have made it clear that they are not available for parliamentary incidence agreements." "Tonight is a night of joy and celebration, but we know that the people of Madeira and Porto Santo need not only a Regional Budget, they also need a solution that is a stable solution, and they can count on PAN's responsibility, as we have already demonstrated in key moments for the archipelago", she added. The PAN spokesperson considered that "there is a representation" in the Autonomous Region of Madeira "that was legitimized by the people of Madeira and Porto Santo". "And in this sense, PAN will work constructively to give more strength to the causes it represents and analyze everything that is the proposals on the table", she reinforced. According to official results released by the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Internal Administration, the PSD obtained 36.13% of the votes in today's early regional elections and won 19 out of 47 seats in the Regional Legislative Assembly of Madeira, five short of an absolute majority. The PS, with 21.32% of the votes, maintained the 11 mandates it had in the regional parliament, while the JPP rose from five to nine and Chega re-elected four deputies. The CDS-PP elected two, the IL one and PAN also one.
Read Also: PSD wins (without majority), JPP grows, BE and CDU leave. What now, Madeira? (Portuguese version)

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