
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Book in Madeira highlights JPP "winner" and "way forward"

The head of the list of the Free party in the early regional elections in Madeira considered today that the Together for the People (JPP) was the "great winner" of the elections on Sunday, admitting that his party still has "a long way to go".

Book in Madeira highlights JPP "winner" and "way forward"
Notícias ao Minuto

06:51 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Política Eleições

"The Livre managed to maintain an electorate, when we compare it to the level of growth in votes, for example, with the parties that are in government, that is, in the [Regional] Assembly", said Marta Sofia Silva, adding that "the JPP was, without a doubt, the big winner, because it managed to get votes [...] from various sides".
The Livre candidate was speaking to Lusa after the results of the early regional elections for the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of Madeira were known, which the PSD won with 36.13% of the votes, but without an absolute majority. "In general terms, I am not surprised that the PSD won, I am not surprised by the abstention, I am surprised, however, when we look at the level of votes, the huge decrease that there was in parties, within the left/right dichotomy, having lost many votes", stressed Marta Sofia, regretting, however, the abstention, which was 46.60%, according to provisional data from the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Internal Administration. The electoral results leave "many doubts about how" Miguel Albuquerque will be able to form a government, when there are those who refuse to make his leadership of the executive viable, such as Chega, who kept four deputies, she added. For Marta Sofia, if she were elected to the regional parliament, Livre would give "strength and hope to the people, because as a very recent party" it "still has a long way to go", but the votes obtained "will not be abandoned or betrayed". "Madeira still does not know, the people of Madeira and Porto Santo still do not know how it will be governed, we will see in the coming days", she pointed out. The candidate assured that "the work of Livre will continue on the ground" and, "given this scenario, it can and should be the left-wing alternative that is missing", even when during the campaign she saw that "people were really fed up" with so many elections. Marta Sofia, a cultural professional, led the Livre list, a party that made its debut in regional elections in Madeira in September 2023, obtaining 858 votes (0.65%), out of a universe of 135,446 voters, and in the elections this Sunday obtained 991 votes (0.67%). According to the provisional results, the PSD won the early regional elections with 49,103 votes (36.13%), electing 19 deputies, the PS kept 11 deputies, with 28,981 votes (21.32%), the JPP obtained 22,958 votes (16.89%), increasing to nine deputies, and Chega, with 12,541 votes (9.23%), maintained the four mandates. The CDS-Partido Popular obtained 5,384 votes (3.96%), electing two deputies, the Iniciativa Liberal (IL) kept one deputy, with 3,482 votes (2.56%), as well as the Pessoas-Animais-Natureza (PAN), with 2,531 votes (1.86%). The CDU - Coligação Democrática Unitária (PCP-PEV) lost its deputy in the regional parliament, obtaining only 2,217 votes (1.63%), as well as the Bloco de Esquerda (BE), with 1,912 votes (1.41%). Of the 254,522 voters registered for the early elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, there were 135,909 voters (53.40%). In these early regional elections, 14 candidacies were presented to vote, of which the Partido Trabalhista Português (PTP) also failed to elect deputies, which had 1,222 votes (0.90%), Alternativa Democrática Nacional (ADN), with 772 (0.57%), Partido da Terra (MPT), with 577 (0.42%) and Reagir Incluir Reciclar (RIR), with 527 (0.39%).
Read Also: PTP regrets that Madeirans have become accustomed to living with "corruption" (Portuguese version)

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