
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Parties ask for immediate cease-fire in Gaza (except for Chega)

The parties with parliamentary representation all agree on an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, with the exception of Chega, but only the Left Bloc explicitly defends the imposition of sanctions on Israel.

Parties ask for immediate cease-fire in Gaza (except for Chega)
Notícias ao Minuto

10:24 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Política Parlamento

Within the scope of the European elections, the Lusa agency sent a questionnaire to all parties, which, about the conflict in the Gaza Strip, asked the candidates if they consider that "the European appeals for peace and a strong intervention in the EU should reach the imposition of sanctions on Israel". Among the parties with parliamentary seats, the head of the Democratic Alliance (AD) list, Sebastião Bugalho, argues that a "humanitarian catastrophe is underway that requires an immediate ceasefire, which is the only way to get humanitarian aid" to the territory. "The European Union (EU) States are divided (namely, with vetoes from Hungary, the Czech Republic, sometimes Austria and Germany), which makes it impossible to adopt sanctions", says the candidate, who adds that, despite this, sanctions have already been imposed on individuals with settlements in the West Bank and the sale of military equipment to Tel Aviv has been suspended, which he considers balanced. In turn, the "number one" of the PS, Marta Temido, does not directly address the issue of sanctions, but emphasizes that the EU "must always act seeking to defend a structural and sustainable solution to the conflict", immediately affirming the two-state solution and seeking to dialogue with relevant regional and international actors. "The EU must make every effort to ensure the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip and ensure effective compliance with International Humanitarian Law. It is also necessary to reinforce the appeal for a humanitarian ceasefire that opens the door to peace negotiations", defends the candidate. Chega, who presents António Tânger Corrêa as "number one", is the only party that does not explicitly speak of the need for a ceasefire, considering that "it is necessary to stop the spiral of violence and hatred", but arguing that we cannot forget that the conflict "began with the monstrous terrorist attack by Hamas". "We also cannot ignore that Israel is a democracy that shares the essence of our civilizational values, in addition to being a security barrier that protects us from revisionist totalitarian powers, such as Iran", he says, stressing that he supports Israel's right to defend itself, "always within the framework of international law". The Liberal Initiative (IL), headed by João Cotrim de Figueiredo, emphasizes that, in the current situation, the imposition of sanctions on Israel cannot be ruled out, and defends "an immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages and respect for international law". "The current disproportionate response and the consequent humanitarian catastrophe are condemnable and Israel, through its own fault, has lost its moral authority and is losing allies every day", defends the candidate. The Left Bloc (BE) is the only party that explicitly calls for the imposition of sanctions on Israel, also calling for "the immediate termination of the association contract" between Brussels and Tel Aviv, the embargo on the sale of arms and the support of South Africa in the accusation of genocide before the International Court of Justice. "And, of course, recognize the State of Palestine", reads the response of the head of the list, Catarina Martins. The CDU considers that the current conflict "exposed the cynicism, hypocrisy, and double standards of the EU in international matters" and argues that "it is necessary to put an end to this barbarism". "It is necessary to firmly condemn Israel, suspend the EU-Israel association agreement, and cease arms exports. (...) An immediate and permanent ceasefire, unconditional access to humanitarian aid, and the creation of the State of Palestine are necessary", says the candidate João Oliveira. Livre also calls for an "immediate ceasefire" and the recognition of the State of Palestine, also calling for a review of the EU's trade agreement with Israel to assess whether Tel Aviv is "fulfilling its prerequisites, namely with regard to respect for international humanitarian law and human rights". The "number one" of PAN, Pedro Fidalgo Marques, also asks that "every effort be made not only to restore peace and ceasefire", but also to guarantee "the existence of humanitarian corridors", and defends the two-state solution.
Also Read: European campaign begins: Majority in Lisbon, AD and PS south of the Tagus (Portuguese version)

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