
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

He stands up, foresees the end of the EU and wants Portugal to be "powerful" in the Europe of Nations

The Ergue-te party, which is running in the European elections of June 9, believes that the European Union (EU) will disintegrate within a decade, and considers that Portugal can be a powerful country in a "Europe of independent and sovereign nations".

He stands up, foresees the end of the EU and wants Portugal to be "powerful" in the Europe of Nations
Notícias ao Minuto

11:35 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Política Europeias

In response to a questionnaire sent by the Lusa Agency to the parties competing in the upcoming European elections, Ergue-te classified the EU as "a supranational organization at the service of international finance", understanding that "the infinite increase in debt without a corresponding creation of wealth is determining the end of this model, and a disintegration of the EU is to be expected within the next five to ten years".

In this context, the party, which has as its top candidate the former judge who was expelled from the judiciary Rui Fonseca e Costa, considers it important to "prepare the Portuguese for the post-EU reality".

"Portugal can be a powerful, developed and prosperous country, capable of generating wealth and providing happiness to all Portuguese people and their families, in the context of a Europe of independent and sovereign nations", it declares.

Ergue-te, the former Partido Renovador Nacional (PNR), is against the possible sending of Portuguese military personnel to Ukraine, under the leadership of the EU, with the top candidate stating: "I will start a war in Portugal if there is any implementation of a mandatory recruitment plan targeting my children".

The party also does not support a possible joint issuance of debt to finance European defense, as it believes that this "only serves to feed international finance and its metastases, in this case, the arms industry".

Ergue-te criticizes the recently approved Pact for Migration and Asylum, classifying it as "an instrument at the service of the political program of population replacement", and advocates the end of the European Commission, "a body of oppression of the European peoples, which, as such, must cease to exist".

The idea of "population replacement" mentioned by Ergue-te has been described as a racist conspiracy theory by the media and international authorities, having already inspired attacks that have resulted in fatalities in several parts of the world and is said to have originated in the idea of the "great replacement" of white populations by others, by the French writer Renaud Camus.

In the area of agriculture, the party, which is running for the first time in the European elections under the name Ergue-te, wants the end of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and advocates "the return of agricultural and food sovereignty" to Portugal.

Read Also: MINUTE-BY-MINUTE: Day 1 of the campaign. Most parties start in Lisbon (Portuguese version)

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