
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Book calls for the EU to focus more on "sustainable mobility"

The leader of the Free List for the European elections, Francisco Paupério, started the campaign by boat to defend more European investment in sustainable mobility and energy transition, on a trip which he said proves how this bet serves the people.

Book calls for the EU to focus more on "sustainable mobility"
Notícias ao Minuto

13:08 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Política Francisco Paupério

The morning of the lead candidate of the Free Party for the European elections of June 09 began with a crossing between the two banks of the Tagus River. Upon arrival at the destination, in Cacilhas, municipality of Almada, Francisco Paupério stressed the "perfect example" of what the party intends to defend in the European Union (EU)

"It is the perfect example of what sustainable mobility policies can be and always associate this with an energy transition, which has to be done, and with an investment from the EU in this transition and in the industrialization of the EU itself", he said, in statements to journalists.

The journey between Cais do Sodré, Lisbon, and Cacilhas was made in just over 10 minutes, in one of the new electric boats of Transtejo, financed through European funds but, for many inhabitants, who continue to have to resort to the car, it is still not a solution.

"It is no use having just a train or a metro when it does not reach most people. What the Free Party proposes is that this network grows and reaches everyone in the municipality and the outskirts", stressed Francisco Paupério.

"The path we are going to take in the next five years will be essential for climate goals and for the future of the European Union", he added.

The first action of almost two weeks of campaigning was dedicated to sustainable mobility and energy transition, but in the little contact he had with the population, due to the rush of everyday life, Francisco Paupério heard other concerns.

From the recent support for young people approved by the Government last week to the common agricultural policy, which will be discussed today in Brussels, where the EU Agriculture Ministers will meet, the candidate also exchanged ideas on the monitoring of the application of European funds and the conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine.

He defended the formal recognition of the State of Palestine as an essential first step in relation to the conflict in the Gaza Strip and, as for Ukraine, he considered that the EU and Portugal should maintain the support given over the last two years.

"We have seen, in the EU, different speeds of aid in this conflict and in the Palestinian case -- in which, unfortunately, we continue to give weapons to the oppressor. (....) The aid has not arrived at the right time, but it is up to us to change that and, therefore, the Free Party defends a common defense policy that really manages to make the 27 states speak in unison", he said.

Read Also: 'Free' from MP, Costa has "better conditions" to preside over Europe (Portuguese version)

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