
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Temido says that it is essential to be able to count on the presence of Pedro Nuno

The PS's top candidate for the European elections, Marta Temido, today considered it essential to count on the presence of Pedro Nuno Santos at tonight's rally, which marks the first day of the official campaign.

Temido says that it is essential to be able to count on the presence of Pedro Nuno
Notícias ao Minuto

17:29 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Política Europeias

"We are talking about a campaign for the European elections, but there are many points of intersection and, therefore, it is essential, it is very important, that we can count on the support of the secretary-general", he said.

During a campaign action with the population of Setúbal, which took place in Praça de Bocage, Marta Temido stressed that the presence of Pedro Nuno Santos at tonight's rally serves "to motivate and encourage", in addition to allowing a national dimension of politics to be addressed.

"We have to ensure that national issues and their connection to European issues are also maintained. It is very important to have the presence of the secretary-general", he reiterated.

The dinner rally is scheduled for 8:30 pm, in Almada, after a day in which she says she was received with great affection and interest, with the population asking "what Europe can do for their needs".

"Naturally, there is also one or another reaction that we cannot fail to hear, interpret and refer to. Sometimes it is a reaction of dissatisfaction, of better clarification, but that is part of democracy and the electoral campaign is that", he pointed out.

On the day the campaign started, the former health minister guaranteed that she was prepared to listen, debate and clarify, both "the nicest things and the least nice things".

"Generally, they have been with us and the reception has been very good and with great affection", she said.

After some greetings, 'selfies' and handing out leaflets to those who were on café terraces, Marta Temido was approached by a woman who was discouraged by the economic situation she was in, with an income of just over 400 euros because she was unemployed.

"I've been everywhere and I can't get a job. And my daughter is institutionalized", heard the candidate, who asked local mayors to follow this case.

Read Also: "Pressure" to give victory to the PS? "All elections have their own value" (Portuguese version)

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