
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

BE defends means to defend Ukraine but leaves a warning

The head of the BE list for the European elections, Catarina Martins, and the coordinator of the bloc, Mariana Mortágua, argued today that Ukraine should have the means to defend itself but warned that the war "is not a 'cowboys' movie".

BE defends means to defend Ukraine but leaves a warning
Notícias ao Minuto

19:52 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Política Guerra na Ucrânia

These positions were defended by the two leaders of the Left Bloc, in statements to journalists, after a small march in Moscavide, a district of Lisbon, when they were asked about the official visit that the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, will make to Portugal on Tuesday.

"We cannot say that Ukraine has the right to defend itself and leave Ukraine without the means to defend itself. The Left Bloc has been very clear about this. But in addition to this, it is necessary to know how to make paths for peace, defend the territory, demand the withdrawal of Russian troops so that there can be peace in the European territory and the European Union should have strategic autonomy and a stronger voice in this matter", defended Catarina Martins, the Left Bloc's 'number one' for the European elections on 9th June.

Catarina Martins stated that "there are those who like to talk about war almost as if it were a 'playstation' game" but stressed that people die in a conflict, "especially in Ukraine and that is why clear principles are needed".

"The support should be for the defense of Ukraine, the path should be a negotiation of peace with the demand for the withdrawal of Russian troops. War is too serious to be a campaign game", she said.

Moments later, the coordinator of the Left Bloc, Mariana Mortágua, specified the criticisms of the candidate for the European elections and former leader of the Left Bloc.

"I wanted to denounce a lie that was uttered today by the president of the Liberal Initiative, Rui Rocha, who said that the Left Bloc wanted a negotiated peace with Russia, or a peace that was somehow conditioned by Putin's will and his pretensions in the Ukrainian territory. It is false, the Left Bloc's position has been the same since the beginning of the invasion, that of defending the integrity of the territory of Ukraine and a policy of peace", stressed Mariana Mortágua.

The coordinator added that "what you will not hear from the Left Bloc are statements that think that war is a game, that it is a 'cowboys' film, that it is the action film that is shown on television".

"It is not, lives are at risk and that is also why a sensible voice is needed in the European Union, which is firm in defending peace, a path to peace and which does not embark on irresponsible, militaristic escalations, and which have consequences for everyone, starting with the people of Ukraine", she said.

Mortágua insisted that Ukraine "has the right to its self-determination, it was invaded by Putin" and stressed that "no party has been so clear in its criticism of Putin as the Left Bloc when the PSD and CDS government was still selling 'gold' visas to Putin's oligarchs".

"The Left Bloc has a history of consistency in criticizing Putin. And we have always been committed to solidarity with the Ukrainian people", she said.

In a campaign action, the president of the Liberal Initiative considered Volodymyr Zelensky's visit in the context of an electoral campaign for the European elections "an excellent opportunity" for the Portuguese to reflect.

According to Rui Rocha, there are parties, such as the Liberal Initiative, which are clear in their support for Ukraine and in the importance of resisting and winning the war, this being the "right path", then there are others who defend that this country should give in to Russia's demands, which is "frankly undesirable".

[News updated at 20:50]

Read Also: Zelensky and Montenegro have spoken on the phone and outlined an agreement (Portuguese version)

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