
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Tangier wants to make known the work of MEPs through social networks

The Chega party's lead candidate for the European elections wants to use social media to publicise the work that the party's MEPs will do in the European Parliament.

Tangier wants to make known the work of MEPs through social networks
Notícias ao Minuto

22:58 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Política CHEGA

"As we do nowadays in relation to social media, in which we do 'podcasts', in which we make films, in which we communicate with the Portuguese through social media, we are going to do exactly the same thing from Brussels with different content", said António Tânger Corrêa before a street rally in Albufeira, in the Algarve.
The former ambassador said that the objective of this interaction is also to ask for contributions from the Portuguese about the actions that the MEPs should take, besides explaining "what is happening in Brussels". "Throughout my career, I have defended a great understanding between diplomacy and the media, before social media existed", he said, arguing that nowadays "social media are those that reach more people in Portugal". In this start of the campaign, Chega chose to go to a place where it was the winner in the last legislative elections. After starting in Vila Nova de Milfontes (municipality of Odemira) in the late morning, the party headed to Albufeira (district of Faro) in the late afternoon. Also in statements to journalists before the street rally, André Ventura said that the party's objective in terms of electoral result is to increase in relation to the legislative elections of March (18.07%), without specifying a number, and said that it will be "merit of the head of the list and of the party's structure". "I, as president, am the external face of the party, but these elections are for the candidates to the European Union. The merit is theirs, the work is theirs, I am here to support them", he said. The head of the list was also questioned about the controversy involving the head of the list of the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD), who considered it "wrong" to say that all members of the Schutzstaffel (SS, paramilitary organisation linked to the Nazi regime led by Adolf Hitler during the Second World War) were "criminals". Following these statements, the MEPs of this party were excluded from the Identity and Democracy (ID) group, the same where Chega is currently included. André Ventura did not want to comment on this controversy or on the possibility of changing groups, but Tânger Corrêa said he did not agree with the statements of the German candidate and considered the expulsion "inevitable". As for the group that the MEPs of Chega will join, he refused to discuss the "sex of the angels before the elections". In this street rally through streets full of esplanades and that ended by the beach, the entourage mostly crossed paths with tourists who saw the group pass by and were asking what it was about. The leader of Chega was approached by employees and owners of establishments, who greeted him and asked for photographs, not paying much attention to the candidate. To liven up the street rally, the entourage started to sing "Tânger go ahead, you have your people here". The presence of André Ventura in the campaign for the European elections should be a constant. On this first day, the president of Chega spoke to journalists in the two initiatives, while the candidate made statements afterwards and after being questioned by journalists. In the morning, Tânger Corrêa said he was aware that he is not so well-known by the Portuguese and refused any discomfort for having Ventura by his side, saying that he takes advantage of the "credits" of the popularity of the party's president.
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