
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Results require responsibility and confirm "well-doing" of Albuquerque

The leader of the PSD/Açores and of the Azorean government, José Manuel Bolieiro, defended today that the results of the Madeira elections demand "political responsibility" and confirm the "well-doing" of Miguel Albuquerque at the head of the Madeiran executive.

Results require responsibility and confirm "well-doing" of Albuquerque
Notícias ao Minuto

23:58 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Política Madeira

"There is effectively an acknowledgment from the population that the capacity of Dr. Miguel Albuquerque and the PSD in Madeira in the face of their main adversary, which is the PS, is much superior," declared José Manuel Bolieiro.

And he continued: "That is why there was no affirmation of an alternative. There was, however, confirmation of the good work with which the PSD and Dr. Miguel Albuquerque have presented themselves to govern Madeira."

The leader of the Azorean executive (PSD/CDS-PP/PPM) was speaking to journalists at the Cunha da Silveira House Museum, on the sidelines of a meeting with the Velas Municipal Council, on the island of São Jorge.

Asked to comment on the electoral results in Madeira, Bolieiro considered Albuquerque a "companion" and highlighted the difficulty of the PSD's victory in Sunday's elections.

"It must be recognized that it was a very difficult challenge, taking into account the political reality of Madeira and the time spent in power. Sometimes in democracy, the value of democratic alternation also carries weight."

The president of the Azorean government evoked his "own experience of being a reference for governmental stability" to warn that it is "essential to make the governance of Madeira, the country and the Azores viable."

"The context of the parliamentary configuration demands everyone. [It is necessary] political responsibility to guarantee a solution of governability and stability that helps to create a governance of development," he advocated.

On Sunday, Miguel Albuquerque's PSD (president of the Madeiran executive since 2015) once again won the regional legislative elections and elected 19 deputies, stating that it was available to ensure a "government of stability", but the PS considered that there was room to build an alternative.

The socialists, the main opposition force, maintained the 11 parliamentary seats of the previous term and the JPP, the third political force in the region, increased its bench from five to nine members.

Chega elected four deputies, CDS-PP two and IL and PAN one deputy each.

The right - PSD, Chega, CDS and IL - managed to add up to 26 seats, to which the PAN could still be added, but the parties declared that they had reservations about understandings with the social democrats.

Today, the PS and the JPP announced that they will present the Republic's representative in Madeira "a joint government solution" in the archipelago, announced the regional structures of the parties, which add up to 20 deputies, short of the 24 necessary for an absolute majority.

Read Also: Madeira? Pedro Nuno asks Montenegro not to "deceive the Portuguese" (Portuguese version)

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