
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Only PS wants Costa in the European Council. AD does not take a position and CDU criticises

Only the PS defends that Portugal would benefit from having António Costa as President of the European Council, the AD does not take a position and the CDU criticizes the European policies of the former Prime Minister.

Only PS wants Costa in the European Council. AD does not take a position and CDU criticises
Notícias ao Minuto

08:12 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Política Comissão Europeia

Just like AD, most of the forces that obtained parliamentary representation in the last legislative elections did not take a position on this matter.

"Do you believe it would be beneficial for Portugal to have António Costa in a European position as president of the European Council? Why?", was one of the questions included in a questionnaire sent by the Lusa agency to the top candidates for the June 9 elections for the European Parliament.

The top candidate for the AD (PSD/CDS-PP/PPM), Sebastião Bugalho, declined to express his opinion, arguing that MEPs do not have "a vote in the election of the president of the [European] Council".

"António Costa has already made it clear more than once that he will not return to office without his legal situation clarified. With respect, I do not intend to make a former prime minister the protagonist of an election that is intended to be about the future", he added.

For the PS, the top candidate, Marta Temido, defended that "the election of António Costa to the position of president of the European Council would have an extremely positive impact, not only for Portugal, but also for the whole of Europe".

According to the former Minister of Health, the former prime minister had "a decisive impact on the adoption of more supportive policies" and showed "the ability to establish consensus and find innovative solutions" within the European framework.

This performance guaranteed him the necessary conditions and prestige for him to be able to successfully perform the role of the next president of the European Council", she considered.

The top candidate for the CDU (PCP/PEV), João Oliveira, presented a negative perspective on "a possible choice of António Costa to preside over the European Council", arguing that "it does not represent any change in the neoliberal, federalist and militarist direction of the European Union (EU)".

"As was seen with Durão Barroso, the fact that he is a Portuguese citizen does not change this reality in any way -- the fundamental issue is the policies he defends. António Costa supported the subordination of national interests to EU guidelines and to the interests of economic groups, as was clearly seen during the period of the PS's absolute majority", he argued.

The top candidate for the BE, Catarina Martins, did not want to address this issue: "I will not be the one to raise an issue that António Costa did not raise".

João Cotrim Figueiredo, who heads the IL list, said that this is "a decision that will depend on the other candidates", adding: "We will not support António Costa just because he is Portuguese. But someone who did not reform Portugal will hardly reform Europe".

The top candidate for Chega, António Tânger Corrêa, has also not yet taken a position, responding that his party "will only evaluate this name when a list is presented that includes other names" and will "decide based on the quality of the candidate with regard to his proposals and ideas that have an impact on Portugal, his reputation, integrity", among other criteria, such as his "commitment to issues such as immigration".

"We do not undervalue Portuguese representation in European institutions and decision-making positions. However, we reserve our analysis of António Costa's candidacy for the appropriate time and context, taking into account that other Portuguese and other Member State candidates may emerge", was the response from Francisco Paupério, number one on the Livre list, who stressed that "the choices for the European Council are not made by the European Parliament".

For the PAN, the most important thing is that "the interests of Portugal and the major challenges facing the country, such as the climate and housing crisis, social protection and animal welfare, are always considered, regardless of who is the president of the European Council, especially if it is a president of Portuguese nationality", replied the top candidate, Pedro Fidalgo Marques.

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