
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

RIR defends migration policy that respects human rights

The React, Include, Recycle (RIR) party advocates a migration policy that respects human rights, emphasizing that border control should not compromise "the rights and dignity of migrants and asylum seekers".

RIR defends migration policy that respects human rights
Notícias ao Minuto

09:06 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Política Eleições Europeias

In response to a questionnaire sent by the Lusa agency to the parties running in the next European elections, the leader of the RIR list considered that "the Member States must be able to provide a quick and effective administrative response to existing requests".

"The inefficiency of the Member States in administrative procedures cannot jeopardize the national and EU [European Union] sovereignty, and should even be subject to sanctions if they do not comply with the procedural deadlines legally established for the analysis of requests for legalization of immigrants and asylum seekers", said Márcia Henriques.

The also president of the RIR considered that "Portugal is not an example" in terms of migration and asylum, stressing that "it is urgent that the Government puts the AIMA [Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum] to work properly".

Regarding the possible sending of troops to Ukraine, the RIR noted that it should be a "carefully considered" decision, without jeopardizing European sovereignty and defense.

The RIR expressed the "need to implement a European Armed Forces, thus moving towards a EURONATO, breaking with the hegemony of the United States of America in this matter".

Márcia Henriques also advanced that the joint issuance of debt "can be a useful tool" to finance European defense, "as long as it is managed with responsibility and transparency, ensuring that the funds are used effectively".

Regarding the expansion of the EU by 2030, the leader of the RIR list indicated that the party approves the growth of the group of 27, but considered that in the next six years "it seems an ambitious goal, considering the geopolitical situation".

"The RIR supports the expansion of the European Union, as a means of promoting peace, stability and economic progress in Europe, but never denying that any accession process must be based on merit and carefully prepared, ensuring that all Member States can benefit from a broader and stronger European Union, and never contributing to accentuate inequalities", she stressed.

In the questionnaire, the president of the RIR refused to say whether it would be beneficial for Portugal to have former Prime Minister António Costa as President of the European Council, stating that this position "must act in the interests of all Member States, not just its own country".

The RIR also supports Ursula von der Leyen, who is running for a new five-year term as President of the European Commission, and needs the support of a simple majority of the European Parliament for this.

Regarding the end of the unanimity rule in EU decisions, Márcia Henriques stressed that it is necessary to create mechanisms that "guarantee fair and balanced representation".

"Unanimity can often lead to paralysis of decisions, especially in critical and urgent matters. The possibility of deciding by qualified majority can accelerate the decision-making process, making the European Union more agile and responsive to global crises and challenges", she argued.

The RIR also defended a common agricultural policy (CAP) that "promotes sustainability, equity and innovation in the Portuguese agricultural sector".

Around 373 million European voters are called to vote for the European Parliament between June 06 and 09. In Portugal, the vote is on the 9th.

720 MEPs will be elected, 21 of whom are Portuguese.

A total of 17 parties and coalitions are running in the elections: AD, PS, Chega, IL, BE, CDU, Livre, PAN, ADN, MAS, Ergue-te, Nova Direita, Volt Portugal, RIR, Nós Cidadãos, MPT and PTP.

Read Also: IL accuses BE of being a "eurosceptic party" for supporting Ukraine with conditions (Portuguese version)

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