
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Madeira said "that he didn't want Albuquerque, but he also didn't want Cafôfo"

PAN/Madeira stresses that JPP and PS "did what they considered possible", but asks that "the results" be analyzed and that they reflect "on what the population asks for".

Madeira said "that he didn't want Albuquerque, but he also didn't want Cafôfo"
Notícias ao Minuto

11:18 - 28/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Política Madeira

Mónica Freitas, PAN/Madeira spokesperson, reiterated on Tuesday that the party will be a force of "construction" and "dialogue" in the new political framework in Madeira, refusing to make any decision for now on possible government alternatives. On the other hand, she stressed that throughout the campaign the population conveyed that "they did not want Miguel Albuquerque, but they also did not want Paulo Cafôfo" to lead the regional executive. Mónica Freitas was speaking to journalists after being received by the Republic's Representative in the region, Ireneu Barreto, and thus reacted to the fact that the PS and the JPP had offered to create a government solution for the region, after the PSD had won the elections, but without an absolute majority. The two parties have a total of 20 deputies, short of the 24 needed for an absolute majority. "It is a valid alternative to democracy, it is part of it, it was the understandings that they considered. I do not admit any integration, also because there needs to be this conversation and this dialogue, and therefore, at this moment, we are in a position to wait and see what will, in fact, be decided and which party forces will, in fact, have that majority", she said. When asked if PAN/Madeira felt that it had been discarded, Mónica Freitas refused. "No, not at all, also because PAN has always been a party of dialogue and construction. We have never been a party of tearing down, nor are we a party of opposition. We are a party that works with responsibility and thoughtfulness and thinking of the population first. Therefore, we will not be the ones causing instability, as we have never been during this entire period", she said. However, the PAN/Madeira spokesperson stressed that it is "important" that there is also this "responsibility and this political maturity on the part of other party forces". "Now, there needs to be understanding and there needs to be understanding with all the parties and understandings are not made at the last minute, much less with pressure from press conferences", she criticized, admitting "surprise" at this communication. Mónica Freitas stressed that the party is "always available" to dialogue, emphasizing that "the population did not choose an absolute majority this time, the population chose understandings". "There is no dissatisfaction. It is democracy in action. The two parties, JPP and PS, did what they considered possible for them to do, they have the legitimacy to do so, it is important, in fact, since they have shown this openness, to have this dialogue and this construction. Now it is also necessary to analyze the results and reflect on what the population is asking for", she reinforced. "If there is something that the population has always referred to throughout the electoral campaign, at least to PAN, I don't know about the other parties, it was that they did not want Albuquerque, but they also did not want Paulo Cafôfo", she stressed. "At this moment, we are going to wait for the solutions and the alternatives. We are not going to make any decisions, nor am I going to be here making decisions without speaking to the regional political commission, without speaking to the national political commission and without even having concrete scenarios on the table. At this moment, they are hypotheses", she said, referring to the fact that it is not the "decisive party for any of the alternatives that may be presented". It should be recalled that, following the elections in Madeira, which did not result in any obvious constitution of a new government, the Republic's Representative in the region will hear from the elected parties this Tuesday. According to the results released by the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Internal Administration, the PSD won the elections with 49,103 votes (36.13%), winning 19 mandates. They are followed by the PS, with 11 deputies, the JPP, with nine, Chega, with four, the CDS-PP, with two, and the IL and PAN, with one deputy each. Read Also: After the elections, the 'geringonça'? Madeira explores government options (Portuguese version)

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