
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Moedas expects "news soon" from the Government on the homeless issue

The Mayor of Lisbon, Carlos Moedas, said today that he hopes to "hear from the Government soon" about a joint resolution to the problem of homelessness, which has been increasing in the capital.

Moedas expects "news soon" from the Government on the homeless issue
Notícias ao Minuto

13:44 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Política Carlos Moedas

"I thank both the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic, because they very quickly received me regarding a problem that is one of the biggest challenges we have today", said the social democrat, confirming to journalists that he had been received on Monday by the Head of State, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

According to Carlos Moedas, the request recently made to the Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, and to Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa was for them to help him solve a question that "the mayors cannot solve alone", hence he has also already asked for the collaboration of the mayors of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area.

"We are working with a working group to solve this at a metropolitan level, but I need an immediate, urgent solution for what is happening in Anjos, in Arroios, because it is absolutely unacceptable for the city", he stressed, referring to the garden next to the Anjos church, where dozens of people have been sleeping in tents, mainly immigrants.

The mayor recalled that many of the people in question are undocumented and that he has no way of helping them with this issue, as it is a competence of the State.

"Therefore, my cry for help to the Government, my cry, my request to the President of the Republic, to the Prime Minister, is to find an emergency solution, an urgent solution to deal with those people", he added.

On Monday, indicated Carlos Moedas, the Minister of the Presidency, Leitão Amaro, also participated in the meeting.

On 20 May, Carlos Moedas requested audiences with the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister to, together, solve the problem of people in situations of homelessness in the city, which have been increasing since the covid-19 pandemic.

On 16 May, the Lisbon City Council approved the new Municipal Plan for People in Situations of Homelessness (PMPSSA) 2024-2030, which foresees an investment of 70 million euros.

The programme will be submitted to vote today at the Lisbon Municipal Assembly, according to the meeting's agenda.

The document foresees an increase in the number of places in shelters from the current 1,050 to 1,700 and also stipulates that by the end of this municipal term (2025) the municipality will make available 800 places in the "Housing First" model (supported transitional housing). Currently there are 400.

The new PMPSSA, with a six-year time horizon, aims to fulfil 23 objectives, through the development of 89 measures in the scope of prevention, intervention in a street context, accommodation, social integration and knowledge and communication.

According to Carlos Moedas, there are about three thousand people in a situation of homelessness, "but there are 390 who have no roof" (that is, they have no shelter solution).

On Saturday, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said that he would receive the mayor of the capital and the Minister of the Presidency on Monday, hoping to hear from the Government (PSD/CDS) its strategy for the integration of people in situations of homelessness. No information about the meeting has yet been released by the Presidency of the Republic or by the national executive.

Read Also: PS accuses Moedas of "hiding" audit on cycle network (Portuguese version)

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