
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Tangier says peace solution will be "whatever Ukraine wants"

The leader of the Chega list in the elections for the European Parliament, António Tânger Corrêa, today defended that it should be Ukraine to define "the contours of a peace agreement".

Tangier says peace solution will be "whatever Ukraine wants"
Notícias ao Minuto

16:11 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Política Europeias

"Peace will be whatever Ukraine wants, meaning that Ukraine will outline the contours of a peace agreement, not Russia," argued António Tânger Corrêa.

The Chega candidate was speaking to journalists before a rally in Olhão (Faro district), on the day that the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, is visiting Portugal.

"What Ukraine accepts and what Ukraine decides for us is well decided and well accepted," he said.

Campaigning for the European elections of June 9 and speaking to journalists next to a fish market, the Chega leader also defended the need to "completely change the quota system" in fishing, "change the catch regime and increase patrols of national waters".

The former ambassador said that "Portugal has one of the largest continental shelves in the world, one of the largest exclusive economic zones in Europe and fishermen are paid not to fish", which he considered "absolutely unbelievable".

The Chega candidate also defended more resources for the Navy, Maritime Police and Air Force "to patrol Portuguese waters together", arguing that these authorities have not been able to intercept foreign vessels that "fish at will" in Portuguese waters "without any compensation".

André Ventura was once again alongside Tânger Corrêa in the rally through the streets of Olhão. The Chega president, who led the delegation, was the most approached by the people he met and heard wishes of "strength, André".

During the rally, supporters shouted "Ventura go ahead, you have your people here" and only at the end of the rally was the candidate's name called.

On this subject, and when asked if he feels that he is already more recognised by the Portuguese, the leader said that he has had several moments in this campaign that he called "André Ventura moments", in which citizens approach him in the street to greet him.

"Nobody knew me. We have to put things into perspective, it is obvious that André is much better known than me," he said.

Asked again about his presence throughout the campaign, André Ventura said that, as party leader, he is "responsible" for the result that Chega has.

"I feel that I have to support my candidates, to be by their side, and I feel that I must be on the street giving them the popular strength they need for these elections," he said, referring to the fact that "people like" to see "the two of them together" because "it shows that there is unity in the party" and that the candidate has his support.

Still on the subject of the European elections, the Chega president took advantage of his presence in the Algarve, the "region most affected by the lack of health services", to regret that the PS "appears in front" in the polls that have been released.

André Ventura considered that a visit to this region "will show the failure of Marta Temido's leadership in health".

"I find it inconceivable that Marta Temido is not ashamed and comes to these elections, and that the Portuguese can give her that confidence," he criticised.

Read Also: Volt wants decisions on migration and asylum applications in 3 months (Portuguese version)

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