
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

JPP tries "historical alternative" but "probably" PSD will govern

Juntos pelo Povo (JPP) said today that it tried to "build an alternative that would be historic" with the PS in Madeira, but considered that "very probably" it will be the PSD that will govern the region, criticizing the possible understanding with the CDS-PP.

JPP tries "historical alternative" but "probably" PSD will govern
Notícias ao Minuto

16:32 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Política Eleições/Madeira

"José Manuel Rodrigues [president of CDS/Madeira] has already received a pair of 18th-century walkers to use there at court. Well, it is already a path of understanding, so I am already starting to talk a little about this solution", said the secretary-general of JPP and deputy elected in the Madeira elections, Élvio Sousa, referring to a possible understanding between PSD and CDS-PP to govern the region. Élvio Sousa was speaking after the hearing with the representative of the Republic for Madeira, Ireneu Barreto, who today is receiving in Funchal the seven parties with parliamentary representation, after the regional elections on Sunday, in ascending order of votes: PAN (one deputy), IL (one), CDS-PP (two), Chega (four), JPP (nine), PS (11) and PSD (19). Regarding the joint solution of PS and JPP to govern the region and break with the 48 years of PSD power, Élvio Sousa indicated that it remains, despite considering that "very probably" Miguel Albuquerque will remain at the head of the Regional Government. "I don't know if it has died yet [the joint solution between PS and JPP], because we are still waiting for contacts. The talks are still ongoing", he said. The JPP leader entered the São Lourenço Palace, the official residence of the representative of the Republic in Madeira, with the book "Small Manual for Life", with "10 simple rules for a happy life", highlighting one in particular: "When you dedicate yourself to something, do not stop, nor be ashamed to be seen doing it". Élvio Sousa dubbed the understanding between PS and JPP as "a survival or alternation manual", expressing himself with a "clear conscience" and reiterating that "Miguel Albuquerque should be punished, and was [in the elections], for the fact that he did not approve a budget, therefore the region, families and companies are with this fate". Stressing that the JPP did not talk to any party before the elections, the party leader said that "only on Monday" did he receive the call from the PS for an understanding, which "was not, nor is a coalition, it is just a declaration of interests", which was cooked "over a low heat, not [...] in a pressure cooker", and which was presented to CDS-PP, IL and PAN. Among the principles of the agreement are the reduction of the government structure, prevention and fight against corruption, mobility and transport, including the 'ferry', reduction of waiting times in health and investment in housing. "We could sit on the couch -- as some parties are saying that they don't want anything, nor anything -- and calmly wait", criticized Élvio Sousa, considering that "history would not forgive" that the JPP would remain "unmoved and serene" without trying a different approach. According to the secretary-general of the JPP, the representative of the Republic said that "he was not expecting" the understanding with the PS, "but that it is still a solution". However, Élvio Sousa added, according to what he read in the press, "Miguel Albuquerque himself invited José Manuel Rodrigues to be appointed, so he is already wearing shoes". The JPP did not invite the CDS-PP to be part of this understanding, he said, unaware of any invitation from the PS. "If another solution [other than PS and JPP] comes out of here today, it is democracy at work", he said, explaining that the joint agreement "only applies to that declaration of principles". Regarding the criminal inquiries related to the leader of PSD/Madeira, the secretary-general of the JPP considered that "Miguel Albuquerque is tainted with alleged cases of corruption". And, he added, if he returns to lead the Regional Government, "sooner or later, he will be on the tightrope again". Regarding the possible discredit on the part of the voters in the JPP, Élvio Sousa stressed that "all audacity involves risk", ensuring that the party's bodies were consulted on the understanding with the PS, which "is not a marriage, it is not a coalition". Regarding the existence of judicial investigations involving the leader of PS/Madeira, Paulo Cafôfo, the JPP representative said that "there is a presumption of innocence". The Madeira parliament is made up of 47 deputies, so forming a majority requires 24 elected members. In Sunday's elections, Miguel Albuquerque's PSD (president of the Madeira executive since 2015) once again won the regional elections and elected 19 deputies, stating that he was available to ensure a "government of stability", but the PS considered that there was room to build an alternative. On Monday, the PS and the JPP announced "a joint government solution" in the archipelago, to be presented to the representative of the Republic in Madeira, calling for the participation of the remaining parties, with the exception of the PSD and Chega, "in order to build a more robust parliamentary support". The early elections in Madeira took place eight months after the previous regional elections, after the President of the Republic dissolved the Madeira parliament, following the political crisis triggered in January, when the leader of the Regional Government (PSD/CDS-PP), Miguel Albuquerque, was constituted an accused in a process in which suspicions of corruption are being investigated. [News updated at 5:38 pm]
Read Also: Cafôfo says he has the same legitimacy as PSD to present a solution (Portuguese version)

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