
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Europeans? Zelensky's visit "contaminates" the 2nd day of the electoral campaign

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to Portugal "contaminated" the second day of the electoral campaign for the European elections, with most of the competing candidacies welcoming it and a few contesting it.

Europeans? Zelensky's visit "contaminates" the 2nd day of the electoral campaign
Notícias ao Minuto

18:31 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Política Europeias

The second day of the campaign opened with reactions to Zelensky's visit and closes with the only debate that brings together all the political forces with parliamentary representation, at 9:00 pm, on RTP.

Regarding Zelensky's visit and, above all, the enlargement of the European Union, the head of the PS list, Marta Temido, defended that the necessary adjustments should be made for Ukraine's accession, highlighting that other countries made them when Portugal joined in 1986.

Marta Temido, who focused the morning campaign on a visit to the Escola Superior Náutica Infante D. Henrique, in Paço de Arcos, Oeiras, highlighted the importance of the "political choices" that will be made in the European elections.

"It is very important that the European Union continues to have the availability for an emergency response on the subject of Ukraine, which is what we have had, but also the commitment to what is the strategic response", which will require a different distribution of available resources.

The "number one" of the Liberal Initiative (IL), João Cotrim de Figueiredo, admitted that Portugal "has little to offer militarily" to Ukraine, but "has much to give" in diplomatic and political terms.

Cotrim de Figueiredo, who was speaking at the entrance to a campaign lunch in Lisbon, said that Zelensky's visit is an "excellent opportunity" for the various political parties to clarify their position on Ukraine.

On the eve of the last act of the first day of the campaign, the IL candidate had accused the Left Bloc of being a "eurosceptic party" for supporting Ukraine's struggle, but with conditions.

Today, the head of the BE list, Catarina Martins, responded to the criticism and accused the Liberal Initiative of lying about the blockist position on the conflict in Ukraine and of using "far-right stratagems" in the electoral campaign.

In a street rally in Olhão, Faro, the head of the Chega list, António Tânger Corrêa, defended that it should be Ukraine and not Russia that defines "the contours of a peace agreement".

In this campaign action, speaking to journalists next to a fish market, Tânger Corrêa also defended the need to "completely change the quota system" in fishing, "change the catch regime and increase patrolling of national waters".

In Sintra, the "number one" of the CDU, João Oliveira, said he hoped that Zelensky's visit would allow the Government to "clarify and affirm its availability" for a diplomatic solution that would stop the war, questioning the arms dimension of the cooperation agreement signed today between the Portuguese Government and Ukraine.

The candidate, who was speaking to journalists at the Algueirão Mem-Martins railway station, in the municipality of Sintra, before catching a train to Reboleira, in Amadora, considered that the Ukrainian people need, as do all peoples internationally, a "peace solution for Ukraine and a collective security solution for the whole of Europe".

João Oliveira defended that Portugal should return to producing trains and invest more in railways, criticising the European budgetary rules that "serve to meet the deficit, but not to respond to the population".

On the side of criticism of Zelensky's visit, the "number one" of the ADN, Joana Amaral Dias, criticised Portugal's support for Ukraine.

"It is not continuing to drain resources to Ukraine (...) bleeding the coffers of the Portuguese and the pockets of the Portuguese, which will take money from our hospitals, our schools, our fishermen and our farmers, that is not what will bring peace", said the ADN candidate to the press at the Cais dos Pescadores in Costa Nova do Prado, in Ílhavo, in the district of Aveiro, after having spent some hours on board a fishing boat in the Ria de Aveiro.

Joana Amaral Dias also criticised the way European funds are distributed in Portugal, proposing an "almost total restructuring".

Regarding the result in the European elections, Joana Amaral Dias said that she hopes to be elected and that she is convinced that if she currently manages to bother so many people, without a party and without a position, once elected, she will be able to "bother even more and make the change for all Portuguese workers".

On this second day of the campaign, the former PSD minister Leonor Beleza considered that Sebastião Bugalho, head of the AD list, is "a good candidate" and admitted joining the campaign of this coalition, which brings together PSD, CDS-PP and PPM.

At the end of a visit by Bugalho to the Champalimaud Foundation, the president of this institution made a point of separating the roles and saying that she will receive all candidacies in this campaign, with a visit from Livre already scheduled.

Earlier, Sebastião Bugalho had said that having the support of someone with Leonor Beleza's career makes him happy and pointed to the Champalimaud Foundation as "an example of the spirit of the AD candidacy".

The head of the Volt list, Duarte Costa, in a visit to the improvised camp of migrant and asylum candidates "housed" in tents in the Largo da Igreja dos Anjos, in Lisbon, defended that the processing of asylum and immigration applications should have a maximum period of three months and that applicants should be accompanied and welcomed during this period.

The "improvement of Europe's migration policy", added the Volt candidate, also involves combating the Pact on Migration and Asylum, approved by the European Council this month and which Duarte Costa recalls having deserved a vote against from the party.

Around 373 million European voters are called to vote for the European Parliament between 6 and 9 June. In Portugal, the vote is on the 9th.

720 MEPs will be elected, 21 of whom are Portuguese.

A total of 17 parties and coalitions are running in the elections: AD, PS, Chega, IL, BE, CDU, Livre, PAN, ADN, MAS, Ergue-te, Nova Direita, Volt Portugal, RIR, Nós Cidadãos, MPT and PTP.

Read Also: BY THE MINUTE: BE accuses IL of lying; "I didn't submit the papers for the reform" (Portuguese version)

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