
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Madeira. Representative's decision could lead to "unprecedented crisis"

The PS/Madeira considered today that the decision of the representative of the Republic to appoint the social democrat Miguel Albuquerque to form a government in the region is "the worst" for the people of Madeira and could plunge the archipelago into an "unprecedented crisis".

Madeira. Representative's decision could lead to "unprecedented crisis"
Notícias ao Minuto

19:18 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Política Eleições/Madeira

"We know that this is the worst decision for the people of Madeira and Porto Santo because it is the one that failed to guarantee, does not guarantee and will hardly manage to guarantee stability or a future for our region," the general secretary of the Socialist Party (PS) of Madeira, Marta Freitas, told Lusa news agency.

The socialist lamented the announcement made by the representative of the Republic, Ireneu Barreto, after hearing today from representatives of the seven parties with elected officials in the regional elections last Sunday, at the Palácio de São Lourenço, that he will appoint Miguel Albuquerque (PSD) as president of the Regional Government, considering that the joint solution of PS and JPP "has no chance of succeeding".

"The PS of Madeira and Juntos Pelo Povo (JPP), as you have seen, in a responsible attitude presented conditions for an alternative capable of restoring hope to Madeira and Porto Santo and of ensuring the stability and governability that are necessary at this time, in this phase that Madeira is facing," stressed Marta Freitas.

However, she added, "faced with two non-minority alternatives that were presented to the representative of the Republic, the one that could plunge the region into an unprecedented crisis was chosen".

Marta Freitas pointed out that the PS will now wait for the parties with seats in the Legislative Assembly of Madeira to act in accordance with the positions they assumed during the electoral campaign and "keep their word" with regard to the PSD and its president, Miguel Albuquerque.

"We cannot believe that those who tore up agreements and coalitions a few months ago because they wanted to distance themselves from Miguel Albuquerque and the PSD, can now lend a hand, in desperation for power," she argued.

The Madeiran socialist leader assured that the party will "continue to fight to turn the page of Madeira", to make this scenario a reality in a "fight that is common with several parties with seats in the Legislative Assembly of Madeira".

Asked about the position of the PS/Madeira in the discussion and vote on the government programme and Regional Budget, she replied that the party "has already stated that it will not support the PSD, it will remain firm in what is its conviction, which presents a project, an alternative that could bring stability to Madeira".

The early elections in Madeira took place on Sunday, eight months after the most recent regional elections, after the President of the Republic dissolved the Madeiran parliament, following the political crisis triggered in January, when the leader of the Regional Government (PSD/CDS-PP), Miguel Albuquerque, was made an arguido in a process in which suspicions of corruption are being investigated.

The PSD, which was the most voted party, elected 19 deputies and failed to secure an absolute majority in a universe of 47 parliamentarians, and has already announced an agreement with the CDS-PP which has two members.

In turn, on Monday, the PS - which maintained the parliamentary group with 11 seats - and the JPP - which increased its parliamentary group from five to nine - announced that they had an understanding that aimed to remove the PSD.

Read Also: Representative of the Republic will appoint Albuquerque in Madeira (Portuguese version)

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