
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Madeira. PAN considers the representative's decision to be "the most logical"

The PAN deputy elected in the regional elections on Sunday in Madeira, Mónica Freitas, considered the decision of the representative of the Republic to appoint Miguel Albuquerque (PSD) to form a government to be "the most logical" and is available to make the program and budget viable.

Madeira. PAN considers the representative's decision to be "the most logical"
Notícias ao Minuto

19:56 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Política Eleições/Madeira

"Since there is this agreement between PSD and CDS and since PSD was the party that, in fact, received the most votes, it seems to us to be the most logical decision, considering that there was no presentation of another government solution that had the same strength", said the PAN spokesperson in Madeira to the Lusa agency.

Mónica Freitas was commenting on the decision announced today by the representative of the Republic, Ireneu Barreto, after hearing representatives of the seven parties with elected members in last Sunday's regional elections, that he will appoint Miguel Albuquerque (PSD) as president of the Regional Government, considering that the joint solution of PS and JPP "has no chance of succeeding".

For the deputy, who was re-elected, the important thing is to be able to form a government and work "as quickly as possible for a budget and to guarantee some stability for the region", which has been living in a situation of "some instability in recent months and, given the country's entire political situation, it is the right time to be responsible, thoughtful and work for the well-being of the population".

Mónica Freitas admitted that PAN was contacted by other party forces, recalling that she had always said that they were available for dialogue and to talk to everyone.

"I think that, from the moment we are political forces that are elected by the population, we have this duty and this responsibility to be open to dialogue and to reach understandings and consensus thinking about the well-being of the population", she stressed.

Regarding the PSD, she reinforced that PAN had always said that, "with Miguel Albuquerque at the helm", there would be no type of agreement similar to the one signed in the legislature that ended.

"But we will not be the ones causing instability either, and in a responsible attitude, we will evaluate, according to our principles and our values, the government program and the budget that are presented and, if it is within those that are PAN's guiding principles, for the well-being of the population, it will not be because of us that it will be made unfeasible", she assured.

Mónica Freitas emphasized that this position would be the same that PAN would adopt if the chosen government solution were another, namely the one presented by PS/JPP -- who signed an agreement of understanding to be an alternative.

"Regardless of which party formed the government, as long as it has the legitimacy to do so, we would evaluate the program and the budget presented in any case and, as long as it was within PAN's principles and had nothing that went against the party's principles, we would also make it viable", she stressed.

Mónica Freitas concluded that the elected parties are "working for the population and it is with them in mind that they must all act accordingly".

The early elections in Madeira took place on Sunday, eight months after the most recent regional elections, after the President of the Republic dissolved the Madeiran parliament, following the political crisis triggered in January, when the leader of the Regional Government (PSD/CDS-PP), Miguel Albuquerque, was made an arguido in a process in which suspicions of corruption are being investigated.

Miguel Albuquerque's PSD (president of the Madeiran executive since 2015) once again won the regional elections and elected 19 deputies, but was unable to elect the 24 necessary to guarantee an absolute majority.

It was followed by the PS with 11 deputies, the JPP which rose to nine, Chega won four, the CDS-PP two and the IL and PAN elected one representative each.

Read Also: Madeira. Representative's decision may generate "unprecedented crisis" (Portuguese version)

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