
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

European. Rallies and contact with voters on the third day of the campaign

The third day of the electoral campaign for the European elections will be filled today by the top candidates of the main political forces with rallies and closer contacts with voters, such as debates and street parades, in districts in the south and north of the country.

European. Rallies and contact with voters on the third day of the campaign
Notícias ao Minuto

06:21 - 29/05/24 por Lusa

Política Europeias

PS's top candidate, Marta Temido, will spend the day in the Faro district, with a visit to Docapesca and contacts with fishermen, then moving on to Portimão, again to contact the population and to visit municipal housing construction works at controlled costs in Olhão.

In the evening, Marta Temido will participate in the Europa Meeting in Faro, at the Algarve Hotel and Tourism School.

The "number one" of AD, Sebastião Bugalho, will be in the districts of Setúbal and Santarém.

In the morning, in Setúbal, Bugalho will visit the Mercado do Livramento and, in Almada, will contact the population at the central café.

In the afternoon, already in the district of Santarém, the head of the AD list will contact the population in Tomar and Santarém, having planned a visit to the Feira Medieval de Torres Novas in the evening.

António Tânger Corrêa, who heads the Chega list, dedicates the third day of campaigning to the district of Beja, where he participates in a street parade.

The head of the Iniciativa Liberal list, João Cotrim de Figueiredo, has a campaign action in Gondomar in the morning, in the evening he joins the campaign team and the press for dinner at a restaurant in Porto, after which he will contact the population.

The Bloco de Esquerda will be in the district of Setúbal, with its top candidate, Catarina Martins, visiting the Escola do Monte da Caparica in the morning and, in the afternoon, the theater company "O Bando", in Palmela.

In the evening, Catarina Martins has scheduled a dinner at the Ginásio Atlético Clube, in Baixa da Banheira.

The head of the CDU list, João Oliveira, will visit the Museum of Resistance and Freedoms in Peniche in the afternoon, and then participate and speak at the Public Forum in Marinha Grande.

In the evening, he participates in a rally at the Parque de Feiras e Exposições, in Aveiro.

Francisco Paupério, head of the Livre list, will visit the "Learning Portuguese" project in the morning, aimed at the Asian migrant community, in Figueira da Foz, and in the afternoon he will take a trip on the suburban train that connects Figueira da Foz and Coimbra, where he has scheduled contacts with the population.

Also in the afternoon, he meets with the Civic Movement for the New Station, in Coimbra.

The "number one" of the Pessoas-Animais-Natureza party, Pedro Fidalgo Marques, spends the third day of the campaign in the districts of Braga and Viana do Castelo.

In the morning, in Guimarães, he visits the E-Tijolo circular economy project, which transforms cigarette butts into sustainable bricks.

In the afternoon, in the historic center of Viana do Castelo, Fidalgo Marques participates in an action against the "Vaca das Cordas".

The head of the ADN list, Joana Amaral Dias, and the leader of this party, Bruno Fialho, spend the night in tents in front of the Anjos church, in Arroios, where dozens of homeless people are.

The "number one" of the RIR, Márcia Henriques, meets in Olaias, in Lisbon, with representatives of the International Labor Organization.

Around 373 million European voters are called to vote for the European Parliament between June 06 and 09. In Portugal, the vote is on the 9th.

720 MEPs will be elected, 21 of whom are Portuguese.

A total of 17 parties and coalitions are running in the elections: AD, PS, Chega, IL, BE, CDU, Livre, PAN, ADN, MAS, Ergue-te, Nova Direita, Volt Portugal, RIR, Nós Cidadãos, MPT and PTP.

Read Also: Chega wants to "defeat PS" in an election that is "1st step" for legislative elections (Portuguese version)

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