
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Twins? "I am totally available to clarify for whoever wants to"

The statements are from the former Minister of Health, Marta Temido, after she was once again proposed by several parties to be heard by the inquiry committee on the case of the Portuguese-Brazilian twins.

Twins? "I am totally available to clarify for whoever wants to"
Notícias ao Minuto

11:04 - 29/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Política Marta Temido

The head of the list for the European elections for the Socialist Party (PS) and former Minister of Health, Marta Temido, reiterated that she is "totally available to clarify to whoever, wherever" about the case of the Portuguese-Brazilian twins.

"I am totally available to clarify to whoever, wherever, about what I know of the process", she clarified, in statements on CNN Portugal, before being interviewed on the program Dois às 10, on TVI.

The socialist also recalled that she has "already" done so "when the process went through the General Health Activities Inspection (IGAS), "has already" shown herself "available to provide clarifications to the Assembly of the Republic in the previous legislature, as well as to other entities that are investigating the process and, "naturally", that will "always" be the attitude she will have.

"There is no reservation or concern about this issue. It is a willingness to collaborate for clarification", she also stressed.

It should be recalled that, on Tuesday, the Livre, the CDS, the Liberal Initiative, the PS, the PSD, the Chega and the Left Bloc proposed to hear in the inquiry committee into the case of the twins the former Ministers of Health Marta Temido, among others.

At issue is the treatment, in 2020, of two twins residing in Brazil who acquired Portuguese nationality, with the drug Zolgensma. With a total cost of four million euros (two million euros per person), this drug aims to control the spread of spinal muscular atrophy, a neurodegenerative disease.

The case was reported by TVI, last November, and is still being investigated by the Attorney General's Office (PGR) and IGAS has already concluded that access to the neuropediatric consultation of these children was illegal.

Also an internal audit of the Hospital Santa Maria concluded that the scheduling of a first hospital consultation by the Secretary of State for Health was the only exception to compliance with the rules in this case.

Read also: Livre asks to hear Marta Temido and Lacerda Sales in the case of the twins (Portuguese version)

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