
  • 19 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 26º

Madeira. PSD and CDS celebrate agreement to "ensure stability"

The leaders of the PSD and CDS-PP in Madeira, Miguel Albuquerque and José Manuel Rodrigues, respectively, signed today the announced parliamentary agreement after Sunday's elections, to ensure "political stability" in the region, the regional social-democratic structure reported.

Madeira. PSD and CDS celebrate agreement to "ensure stability"
Notícias ao Minuto

12:53 - 29/05/24 por Lusa

Política Madeira

"Although the two political parties have different histories and identities, and without giving up their respective political and strategic autonomies, they have thus agreed on a set of principles by which they will be governed, in order to ensure the political stability that has always been assumed as a priority", reads the note released by PSD/Madeira, which won the legislative elections without an absolute majority.

According to the structure, the "necessary conditions are met so that, fulfilling what was the declared intention, from the first hour, by PSD/Madeira, the party that won the regional elections on May 26, the Budget and the Government Program are approved as quickly as possible".

The aim is to achieve the "stability and predictability that families, workers and companies need so much".

Within the scope of the agreement, announced on Tuesday, the PSD will propose José Manuel Rodrigues for president of the regional parliament, a position that the Christian Democrat has held since 2019.

Together, PSD and CDS have 21 deputies, short of the 24 needed for an absolute majority.

In 2019, when the social democrats failed to reach this goal for the first time, the two parties made a post-election coalition agreement, and have been governing the archipelago ever since.

In 2023, they ran together, but failed to reach an absolute majority by one seat, so Albuquerque - president of the executive since 2015 - signed an understanding of parliamentary incidence with the sole PAN deputy.

The elected member withdrew her political confidence after the social democrat was named a defendant, at the end of January, in a process that investigates suspicions of corruption. Albuquerque ended up resigning and his executive was under management, which led to the calling of early elections.

Last Sunday, eight months after the previous regional elections, the PSD (running alone) was the most voted party, with 19 deputies. The PS maintained the 11 seats it held in the last legislature, the JPP increased its parliamentary group from five to nine members, Chega continued to have four and the CDS-PP now has two, while the IL and PAN each maintained one representative.

Despite the fact that on Monday the PS and the JPP announced an understanding to create a government alternative, the representative of the Republic, Ireneu Barreto, decided, after hearing from all parties with parliamentary seats, to appoint the social democrat Miguel Albuquerque to form a government today.

Read Also: Miguel Albuquerque has already been appointed president of the Madeira government (Portuguese version)

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