
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Help Ukraine? "The Government should just tell the truth from the get-go"

The PS secretary general accused the Government today of not telling "the whole truth" regarding the 126 million euro support to Ukraine, criticizing what he says is "a pattern that systematically repeats itself".

Help Ukraine? "The Government should just tell the truth from the get-go"
Notícias ao Minuto

18:23 - 29/05/24 por Lusa

Política Ucrânia/Rússia

"After a few hours, we all realized that of the 126 million [euros], 100 million had already been decided by the previous government. In fact, in those items that were criticized by the Minister of Finance", pointed out Pedro Nuno Santos.

The socialist leader joined Marta Temido on the third day of the campaign for the European elections, participating in a visit to Docapesca, in Portimão, Faro district.

At the end of that campaign action, the socialist leader indicated that it was enough for Luís Montenegro's government to have indicated that Portugal's support for Ukraine was reinforced by 26 million euros.

"It is starting to become a pattern and there was no need for it. As far as the conflict in Ukraine is concerned, there is a very broad consensus in Portuguese society and it was enough for the government to tell the truth right from the start", he argued.

In his view, the government should avoid creating ideas that, after a few hours, "are perceived and do not correspond to reality".

"There is a pattern, it is not even very relevant, but it worries us that this pattern is systematically repeated with this government, which then has to backtrack: it has to explain and say that it did not try to deceive anyone", he said.

To journalists, Pedro Nuno Santos stressed the importance of clarity in political life.

"And we do not have any case in which there is such a broad consensus as in the case of the conflict in Ukraine", he concluded.

The Portuguese Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, and the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, signed a cooperation and security agreement on Tuesday that foresees that Portugal will provide Kiev with military support of at least 126 million euros this year, including financial and in-kind contributions.

Read Also: US promises aid package to Moldova to combat Russian disinformation (Portuguese version)

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