
  • 04 JULHO 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 30º

Chega/Açores criticizes the lack of responses for Banif victims

Chega/Açores criticized the lack of responses for those harmed by Banif and guaranteed that it will continue to "pressure and denounce" the situation so that the problem is not forgotten, the party said today.

Chega/Açores criticizes the lack of responses for Banif victims
Notícias ao Minuto

13:53 - 30/05/24 por Lusa

Política CHEGA

"Chega remains committed to not letting the Azoreans affected by the fall of Banif, who lost their savings and are still unable to recover their money, be forgotten," said the party, referring to a meeting with one of the representatives of the affected, Romeu Presunça, and the deputies José Pacheco and Olivéria Santos.

In a press release, the party states that the deputies of Chega/Açores in the regional parliament, José Pacheco and Olivéria Santos, "once again heard" at the meeting, "many life stories of those who lost everything and have been for eight years without knowing where their money is, and are going through difficulties".

For the parliamentarians, quoted in the same press release, "the State failed and has great responsibility" for the fall of Banif, defending "a solution for the 148 million euros that many Azoreans kept in the bank".

"There was a failure of supervision, a failure of credibility and even a false hope given by the State, which after the people were harmed remains the same, and it does not matter who the rulers are," denounced José Pacheco.

The parliamentarians assured that they will continue to "put pressure and denounce" the problem, despite acknowledging that "there are not many tools that can change the situation", with the parliamentary leader of Chega/Açores, José Pacheco, recalling a draft resolution presented by the party, in the Assembly of the Republic, which recommended that the Government implement solutions for all those affected by the Bank, but which "did not go ahead".

However, added José Pacheco, "there is a Regional Government of the same color as the Government of the Republic", considering that "institutional pressure can be put on to ensure that some money is returned to the hundreds of Azoreans who lost their savings".

The parliamentary leader of Chega also indicated that he will establish contacts with the party's parliamentary group in the Assembly of the Republic, so that the matter is once again on the agenda.

"It's shameful. These injured people have nothing, they lost their life savings. The State does not find a solution for these people, but when the bank asked for financing, the State extended its hand to them. This is shameful and we will continue to denounce this situation until it is resolved," said José Pacheco.

Read Also: Chega and CDU reject the end of unanimity, PS, IL and Livre defend changes (Portuguese version)

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