
  • 22 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 26º

Costa "would not be a bad candidate" for Europe (but Ventura refuses to support)

Chega's president insisted today that his party will not support the former prime minister for a European position, after the list's leader had said on the previous day that "he wouldn't be a bad candidate".

Costa "would not be a bad candidate" for Europe (but Ventura refuses to support)
Notícias ao Minuto

16:00 - 03/06/24 por Lusa

Política Europeias

In an interview with RTP on Sunday evening, Chega's lead candidate, António Tânger Corrêa, argued that the former socialist prime minister António Costa "would not be a bad candidate, objectively" and did not rule out the possibility of supporting him for a European position, "because he is Portuguese".

Regarding the next State Budget, he indicated that the current Government is counting on Chega: "They are counting on us, we are not going to directly bring down the Government, that is very clear. On our initiative, it will not fall".

In statements to SIC and CNN at the end of the morning, before the first campaign initiative of the day, the candidate said that Costa's "only advantage" is "being Portuguese".

"I get along well with António Costa. Besides, it is the mark of a diplomat to get along with people. He has family in Goa. I helped his family a lot, when he was nobody, but I helped his family. And from there we created, in short, a frank relationship with something", he said.

Confronted with these statements, Chega's president was assertive: "We are not going to support António Costa, what we do not want for our country, we do not want for Europe".

"What our candidate said is that someone who was prime minister in Portugal, as in all of Europe, is objectively a candidate who can be presented to the European Council. Now, can Chega support António Costa? It is obvious that not", he stressed, saying that "it is out of the question".

André Ventura considered that António Costa "was one of the worst prime ministers" that Portugal has had and that he does not want "for Europe the disaster" that happened in Portugal.

Regarding the State Budget, Chega's president said that the party does not want to "fail just to fail".

"Now, if the budget is in the direction of what these measures by Luís Montenegro have been, of this permanent disappointment, there are difficult conditions for that", he argued.

André Ventura also considered that the PSD chose the PS as its "preferential partner" in this parliamentary framework and therefore "it is with the PS that they have to make an effort to reach parliamentary support".

António Tânger Corrêa participated today in a walk in a residential area in Algueirão-Mem Martins, and at the time of the statements to journalists he only said that "it is not an option for Chega at this moment to fail the budget just to fail the budget, to bring down the Government just to bring down the Government".

"It is not our goal at this moment to bring down the Government", he indicated.

The media tried to obtain further clarification from the candidate, who refused, and did not even speak about any other subject.

During the march, among buildings, there were very few people with whom Chega's entourage crossed paths. The walk ended next to a school that André Ventura attended, with the Chega leader interacting with some children, not yet old enough to vote, next to the railings.

Read Also: Ventura sets conditions for Chega to approve Government's immigration measures (Portuguese version)

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