
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Future of sustainable space management discussed in Lisbon this week

Lisbon will host this week an international conference on the exploration and sustainable management of space in the future, taking into account the exponential increase of objects in orbit, namely networks of small satellites and space debris.

Future of sustainable space management discussed in Lisbon this week
Notícias ao Minuto

14:04 - 11/05/24 por Lusa

Tech Conferência

Between 1957 and 2012, the number of satellites launched into space remained stable, at around 150 per year, which includes the eras of human flights to Earth orbit and to the Moon, the development of global satellite communications systems and the construction of the International Space Station, but in the last 10 years the number of satellites placed in orbit has increased exponentially, going from 210 in 2013 to 2,470 in 2022, according to figures released by the organisation of the conference, in charge of the Portuguese Space Agency (PTSpace) and the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA).

The increase was largely driven by the launch of small satellite networks by private players, a trend that is expected to continue in the future, according to the same source.

The discussion around the future of space will be an opportunity to discuss challenges that can only be overcome with greater international cooperation and multilateral responses.

"The emerging risks, driven by the increase in congestion of the Earth's orbit and competition in space, need to be addressed together by all the players involved in the exploration and use of space", reads the documentation that accompanies the announcement of the conference.

During an informal consultation, held in 2022, the member states of UNOOSA agreed that space should be used and explored for peaceful purposes and for the benefit of all and recognised the need to discuss ways to strengthen the global management of space.

Highlighted at the conference in Lisbon will be the number of objects in orbit, the participation of the private sector and the commitments of public and private agents to achieve sustainable management of space.

The Lisbon Declaration for Outer Space, which aims to advance contributions to the designated Future Summit, organised by the United Nations and scheduled for September, will emerge from the conference, to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The declaration, "aims to summarise the discussions that have already taken place in the virtual preparatory meetings for next week's conference, but mainly to look to the future and see how we can bring other players into these discussions", Hugo André Costa, executive director of PTSpace and Portuguese delegate to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space of UNOOSA, told the Lusa agency.

The same official explained that the actions of the private sector have changed the landscape in a sector previously explored only by States, which implies restructuring and changes in working methods, even at an institutional level.

In this sense, "norms and rules" are needed for everyone to participate. The organisation of space traffic, the way in which humanity will face the exploration of space resources, namely the moon, and the role of each entity in mitigating space debris, are the main points on the table.

"This conference supports the discussions that are currently taking place for the preparation of the Future Pact, which will be the result of the Future Conference", which is being organised by the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, in order to address global problems in all areas, he added.

According to the same source, the Lisbon Declaration will allow these issues to be discussed "in a different way", involving private players.

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