
  • 30 JUNHO 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Comet approaches Earth and may provide a beautiful spectacle

The Tsuchinshan–ATLAS should become visible in early autumn.

Comet approaches Earth and may provide a beautiful spectacle
Notícias ao Minuto

10:38 - 27/05/24 por Miguel Patinha Dias

Tech Espaço

Recent times have been exciting for night sky observation enthusiasts. In addition to the aurora borealis and the meteor that could be seen from our country, in the fall we may have the opportunity to witness the passage of a special comet.

The comet in question is named C/2023 A3 - or Tsuchinshan–ATLAS - and was detected in February just beyond the orbit of Jupiter. It will be on September 27 that Tsuchinshan–ATLAS will make its approach to the Sun and will pass just 1.09 billion kilometers away from the star at the center of the Solar System.

October 12, however, is the one that will be more worthwhile to mark on the calendar since it will be on this day that Tsuchinshan–ATLAS will be closest to Earth - at a distance of only 71 million kilometers from our planet.

As the website states, astronomers believe that this comet has the potential to become brighter than many stars. However, there are also those who believe that, due to the existence of volatile materials on the surface of this comet, these elements will ignite as Tsuchinshan–ATLAS approaches the Sun.

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