
  • 30 JUNHO 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Russia ramping up disinformation ahead of Olympics, Microsoft warns

Microsoft has warned that Russia has stepped up a disinformation campaign targeting the Paris2024 Olympics, specifically seeking to amplify fears over violence at the event.

Russia ramping up disinformation ahead of Olympics, Microsoft warns
Notícias ao Minuto

07:22 - 04/06/24 por Lusa

Tech Microsoft

Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC), operated by the US tech giant, has pointed to two Russian influence groups, Storm-1679 and Storm-1099, which combine “old tactics with artificial intelligence to carry out malicious activities”.

The campaign is targeting, among other things, France, French President Emmanuel Macron, and the International Olympic Committee (IOC), according to a message published on Microsoft's portal on Sunday.

According to MTAC, the Storm-1679 group has been posting videos with false information online in an attempt to “spread fear to dissuade viewers from attending the Games”.

One of the videos, produced to look like content from the France 24 news channel, falsely claims that 24% of tickets sold have been returned over fears of an attack during the Games.

Tickets for the Paris 2024 Olympics are non-refundable, according to the terms and conditions of sale.

In early April, the Games organising committee said that nine million tickets had already been sold.

Another video shared by the Storm-1679 group, which purports to be a message from the US intelligence agency the CIA and France's General Directorate for Internal Security, advises internet users against travelling to France due to the risk of attack.

According to MTAC, the other group, Storm-1099, has created a network of 15 websites that appear to be legitimate media outlets with content written in French.

These platforms also warn of possible attacks during the Games, while criticising Macron and the French government, in particular, for being indifferent to the problems of the French people.

MTAC said it expects Russia's disinformation activities to intensify, particularly in French but also in English, German and other languages, as the opening ceremony approaches.

The Paris 2024 Olympics are due to start on 26 July and end on 11 August, with 54 Portuguese athletes having qualified so far.

The IOC has repeatedly denounced a “campaign of disinformation and defamation led by Russia”.

In June 2023, the Storm-1679 group posted an anti-IOC mockumentary online entitled “Olympics Fall”, inspired by the 2013 film “Olympus Has Fallen” and using artificial intelligence to mimic the voice of US actor Tom Cruise.

In early April, the French president said he had no doubt that Russia was targeting the Olympics, particularly “in terms of information”.

Read Also: Charles Michel pede a países da UE "vigilância" a interferência russa (Portuguese version)

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